Chapter 6 - " bastard..."

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 Chapter 6 " bastard..."

Robert comes to visit me once a day; when they give me my medicine. Sometimes I get fuzzy, but it’s not nearly as bad as it was before. I think my body is getting used to Gold, and so I don’t have the blurred vision anymore – on the contrary, it’s sharp as a knife. I can always tell when Robert hasn’t shaved that day yet, or see the ashes on his coat and see he’s smoked recently. Whenever I mentioned these things to him, he would look, and say ‘I don’t see anything’ and we would continue talking.

We still haven’t kissed, but God, we’re so close. Every day, he hugs me, and tells me he loves me. It feels so good to be loved again, even for just a moment, in fear someone might catch us. It’s fun, and exciting. I imagined what it would be like to be two teenagers, sneaking outside so we could tell each other ‘I love you’ while our parents were asleep.

I was happier than I’ve been in a long time, and I had Robert to thank for that. When he came into my cell this morning, after the other doctor gave me Gold, and then left, I jumped into his arms.

When I let go, I saw he seemed very happy. I mentioned this to him, and he nodded. “I know, and I have good reason to be.”

“And what might that be?” I asked, sitting back down, thinking maybe it had something to do with getting me out. Maybe he talked them into letting me go, or maybe we would just break out of here today…maybe he has a plan.

Robert sat down, with the metal chair backwards, between his legs, like he does every morning. I leaned forward a bit, eager to hear what he had to say. “I bought a new car.” He grinned.

…Is he serious? I felt my smile fall as my brow began to crease. He was so excited about a new car? A car he won’t even be able to drive? What will he do with a car if we’re stuck in here? Or…is he out, driving around, while I’m stuck in here? Is he back with his family? Does he have a new girlfriend? So many suspicions ran through my mind, each one more damning than the last. He had forgotten about me, he forgot about our plan.

“Well don’t have a heart attack, I know it’s exciting, but calm down.” Robert said sarcastically. “Come on, Rhy, I thought you’d be excited for me.”

My thoughts wouldn’t just stay inside, they had to speak. “What the hell are you going to do with a car, Robert? We’re stuck in here, every day and every night!”

His smile fell, and I knew my worst fears had just come true. Dear God, he’s not here every day and night, like I am. “They’ve been letting you leave, haven’t they?” I asked.

When he didn’t answer right away, I knew what that meant, and closed my eyes. The pain of betrayal seared through me; he’s been out, having freedom again. I wondered how many restaurants he’s been to, or if he’s contacted his family yet. I wondered if he was ever going to tell me, as well. …Probably not.

“Rhylee, I’m-“ He began, but I shook my head.

“Get out.”


“Get out!” The tears had already begun to fall, and he saw. I heard him say an apology, but it wasn’t enough anymore. I repeated for him to get out. He hesitated before finally standing up, his head hanging, while he headed for the door. After the door had closed and locked, I was still furious; Robert leaving hadn’t done anything for me.

I silently cursed myself for even thinking he would help me get out of here. After six years of the two of us, saying we help each other, why would I believe him? After him promising me he’d get me out of here! After I told him I loved him! I can’t trust him! I can’t trust anyone! I stood up and picked up the metal chair, throwing it at the door. A loud bang sounded through the entire hall and before I had time to jump away from the door, doctors were coming inside and grabbing me by each limb.

Dr. Allen, being one of them, leaned down to my ear. His terrible breath filled my lungs, making me want to gag, “Shh, that’s a good Hero, calm down or we’ll have another trip to my office.”

While I panicked by what he said, someone jabbed a needle into my arm, pushing hard so they could gain access. The medicine quickly made my vision blur, while the doctor’s voices got quieter. As they began to fade, I heard Robert come back inside. “What happened?!”

“She threw her chair; she knows the rules.” Someone replied.

My cloudy vision was just barely good enough to see Robert look down at me in disappointment. “Alright,” was all he said.

“Y-you…you bastard…” I spat, my voice growing weaker. And then, darkness.

A/N: This chapter is really short, sorry, but I wanted to upload it before I go away for the weekend. Yepp, no uploads this weekend, but I assure you, I'll be back and ready to roll by Monday! :) Cheers<3

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