Chapter 12 - "I don't have anywhere to be."

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Chapter 12 "I don't have anywhere to be."

Warm sunlight kissed my face through the window, gently waking me up. I smiled to myself as I imagined what we would do today. Maybe shop? Sight see? Or even just go for a walk? My stomach let out a huge growl, like an angry bear - breakfast, breakfast would be nice. I slowly opened my eyes and sat up gently, expecting to be lying in the soft hotel bed, but when my eyes met the dashboard of Robert's car, I remembered the events of last night. The piercing pain in my side only reminded me more, and I flinched, hissing from the stab wound that still felt sore.

"Be careful; he stuck the knife in pretty deep. It's going to take a while for it to heal." Justin's voice said beside me. He was driving, and once again we were on a wide country road in the middle of nowhere, going as fast as we pleased. No one else was on the road, but I suppose that was a good thing; no one was following us.

This time I sat up a little more gingerly, letting the seat recliner gently lift me up. "What's the plan now?" I grunted.

Justin gave a small smirk. He looked irritated, but amused at the same time. "In case you haven't noticed, there's not much of a plan, Rhylee. I thought Robert stabbing you made that clear."

"Here I was thinking you planned that." I smiled weakly, trying to joke, but sleep was still fading from my system. Justin smiled back however. He looked very tired, I noticed; he must have been driving all night, never stopping once. "Why don't we get some breakfast?" I asked. "I'm pretty hungry."

Justin looked at the clock on the dash; eight o'clock in the morning. With a sigh he tapped on the screen, pulling up a GPS and began dialing in numbers and words. "Alright, let's find somewhere to eat-" He suddenly stopped, staring at the screen. He didn't take his eyes off of it, and now the car was drifting off the road.

"Justin!" I yelped when the car gave a large bump and we almost drove into a stray tree. He looked up and whipped the steering wheel around, putting us back on track.

"Sorry, sorry..." He replied absentmindedly.

"What was that about?" I asked, beginning to relax again.

"I just realized - this care has a GPS; they can track us. They could be tracking us right now." He threw his hand up and smacked it back down on the steering wheel. "We need to find another car, and soon. Who knows what is in this car? There could be a recorder for all we know."

"You sound crazy right now, you know that right?" I smirked.

Justin broke out of his rant for a moment to glance at me. "You're right. We should go eat, then we'll ditch the car." I returned the smile and continued looking out the window, lost in my thoughts.

Though the pain in my side was a reminder of how much Robert has changed, and how he isn't the person I once knew and loved, I couldn't help but wonder how he was doing. Was he trying to stay away from drugs, or was he taking them right this moment? Was he thinking about me? A small hint of red surfaced my cheeks, making me try to shake the thoughts.

Though he was different now, and overcome with greed, he was still Robert...the man I fell for. It's hard to forget your feelings and tell your heart that they're bad news. No matter how hard you try, your heart will remember the good and not the bad...

I wondered if he was going to give up or continue to look for me. Would he just find someone else to experiment the Gold on? Would he fall in love with her too? No, I didn't want to think about that. In fact, I wouldn't think about him at all.

Finally focusing on outside, I realized we were turning into a parking lot, just outside of a diner. Justin unbuckled his seat belt and I did the same, carefully climbing out of the car. "Why did he have to stab me in the side? Why couldn't he have stabbed my left arm; I don't use it that much!"

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