Better Ring Gerard

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Everyday I looked at my phone and replayed the video of Frank dancing like a fairy. It made my day and gave me hope that maybe one day I'll go back to that life, just without Kyle. Luke looked after me, we've been running for ages. Well, driving. Luke was like my hot guardian angel protecting me from the devil and I freaking loved it. I missed Gerard and Bandit... My true family. I missed Mikey messing up my hair and I missed annoying Ray, heck I even missed Frank annoying me! I don't get that attention anymore.

At the moment me and Luke checked into a motel which smelt like rats pee, disgusting. We had a double bed but Luke knew I didn't want anything like that... Yet. Luke was getting a lot of texts off Kyle, mostly death threats but we would ignore them and drive off even though Kyle texts him the address of where we just was.

My depression died down the past few months, when we did start running though... Things got pretty bad. I missed my family a lot and I wouldn't stop crying, I just didn't want to feel the pain I was feeling. I still don't understand why this was all happening to me, I mean... My REAL family are basically dead. My foster family I Can't see because I'm on the run from a fucking mad man who wants to kill me and I can't do anything about it. Me and Luke did try and ring the police and they're still looking for him, no luck yet.

"Where are we going tomorrow?" I asked dumping my suitcase on the double bed and unzipping it. Luke sat on the bed and shrugged.

"Wherever the road leads us too" He smiled and I shrugged back. We still had a lot of money since its only been about 5 months. I thought Kyle would've given up by now but it turns out he is really pissed with me and wants to kill me... Or worse.

"Luke..." I whispered frowning slightly as he looked up waiting for me to ask him something, "How does he know where we are all the time?" I asked

"I honestly don't know" He whispered under his breath.

"I don't understand, why can't he just leave me alone" I whispered under mine whilst sitting next to Luke, he put his arm around me and hugged me tightly.

"Cause his a twat" He chuckled and I laughed back. "He'll give up sooner or later" He whispered slowly stroking my cheek.

"What If he finds us and gets us..."

"He won't" Luke snapped and I was quiet. "I won't let him hurt you anymore, you deserve a happy ending now Cassie. You've waited for it and now is your time" I heard the smile in his voice and I hugged him tightly.

"And you're in my happy ending" I pulled away smiling at him, he smiled a huge grin and I pecked him on the cheeks. "I better ring Gerard" I whispered walking away from him. I walked in the bathroom closing the door behind me and took out my phone. I dialed Gerard's number and looked in the mirror, I had to cut my own hair so it was short, black and pixie like. My scars faded greatly, they looked so faded that you could hardly see them anymore.

"Cassie?" A male voice answered and a huge smile spread across my face, Gerard's voice made me feel safe and it brought back all the good memories.

"That's my name don't wear it out" I laughed and heard him chuckle back.

"Daddy, is it sissy?" I heard a squeaky voice ask and Gerard mumbled a yes to the girl. I heard the phone being moved around until it was quiet. "CASSIE!!!" She screamed down my phone making me flinch and jump.

"Hey Bandit" I said rubbing my ear, "Thanks for making me go deaf" I chuckled and she giggled down the phone.

"When are you coming back sissy? I made you 10 drawings!!!" She said enthusiastically and I smiled, I could just imagine the drawings...

"Soon" I whispered lying to her and myself, I wanted to go back but it was just too dangerous for them, Luke and myself.

"You said that in October!" She shouted and I sighed, "You said you'd make it for Frank's birthday because you had a surprise for him" Bandit whined and I felt numb inside, I keep making promises that I would break.

"I'm sorry, something came up which was really important. Bandit can you put Gerard back on please?" I asked not wanting to argue with her anymore and the phone started moving again until I heard someone clear their throat.

"And what did you say to Bandit?" He asked.

"She asked me when I was coming home and I said soon, causing her to argue with me" I explained and he chuckled. "I do want to come home" I whispered looking in the mirror at myself, I was only young... Just a girl who was lost and lonely. "I'm scared Gerard" I whispered holding back some tears but one still managed to escape my eye.

"I know I know, You will come back one day. All this will be over soon, I promise" He whispered and I sniffed.

"Promises are made to be broken" I frowned

"Not mine" I heard the smile in his voice and it gave me more hope, I'm glad Gerard was my foster dad because he made everything better.

"I need to go now dad, Love you" I whispered smiling.

"I love you to Cassie, be careful" He told me and I mumbled a yes before hanging up on him, I'll be home soon. I know I will.


Even though Cassie's been calling everyday for the last 5 months, I still felt like she was unsafe. Everyday got harder when she left, the worry drove me insane. I really did miss her, just knowing I wouldn't be able to protect her but I knew Luke would. The thing that worried me was when Kyle said he had contacts, But I had some contacts too. Lyn-z was now living with us in this house we brought, the same one we hosted the party in. She was their for support for both me and Bandit and was really good at comforting us. I did still love her and I'm not afraid to admit that but I'm not sure how she felt about me.

"Is she okay?" Mikey asked and my head snapped up to see him standing in the living room looking at me with a worried expression planted on his face, made a difference from his poker face.

"She's fine" I smiled walking off but I knew he was following me, Mikey was as worried about Cassie as I was. He didn't go through the depression as bad as me though. I literally did go insane, paranoid and dangerous.

"What did you talk about?" He asked and I sighed.

"Mikey, it doesn't matter. Just go to bed or something" I whispered walking to my room wanting to close the door on his face but he just entered my room.

"When will she come home?" He asked sadly and I swallowed hard, I honestly didn't know. It could be years till Kyle and his friends give up... Or worse, Cassie gives up.

"Soon" I whispered and He shook his head.

"Now give me an honest answer" He said with all seriousness and I sat on the bed, he sat next to me waiting for an answer.

"We all don't know, Luke doesn't know, Cassie doesn't know and I don't know. Whoever gives up first!" I shouted frustrated.

"This is like a game to Kyle" Mikey shook his head, "Cassie's a strong girl and with Luke giving her the extra support I know she won't give up" He muttered to himself trying to make himself believe the words he was trying to tell me.

"We both know that she isn't strong" I whispered and he frowned slightly.

"Then how come she's still alive?" He asked and I went quiet "Exactly" He muttered standing up and walking out of the room "You should have more faith in your daughter" He shouted before walking out of the room and slamming the door behind him. He was right, Cassie was strong but there's just so much one person can take before they break. Cassie's been through a lot and if she keeps running I'm just worried that she would break and shatter into tiny pieces. Luke's just there to pick them up and try and glue the pieces back together like Lyn-z's there to fix mine.

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