My Daughter...

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Mikey turned the corner and I saw the prison up ahead, my eyes became watery and my heart wouldn't stop beating fast. Anything could happen in the next moment which could change my life. He stopped the car and with a deep breath I hopped out of it still staring at the prison. Mikey took my hand, smiled at me and continued walking towards it.

"I'm scared" I whispered so quietly

"I know, but I'm here. No matter what happens I'm here for you Cassie, Always will be" He whispered and we got to the gate. We walked in the prison slowly and after hearing screaming and banging from the cells I felt like crying. A guard walked in front of us and stopped us.

"Please hand over any metal, sharp objects" He told us and I put my phone in the tray and Mikey did the same. The Guard got a small metal detector out and searched us. It didn't go off once which made me feel better and he put the tray down pointing to the way.

Me and Mikey walked through another gate to reveal a room full of criminals and there in the middle sat my dad. I grabbed Mikey's hand again and squeezed it tight, my dad sat there staring at his hands which were clenched on the table. He took nervous glances at the criminals next to him then stared at his hands again. People walked pass us and went up to there relative or friend and hugged then, what was i going to do when i walked to my dad? Mikey stared leading me towards him and i tried to hide behind him. When we got to the table i took a deep breath, took a step forward and coughed to get his attention. He slowly looked up at me and his eyes widened.

"Cassie?" he whispered with a croaky voice and i flashed him a fake smile. He quickly stood up and opened his arms making me shoot back and Mikey shoot forward. "Oh, I won't hurt you Cassie..." He whispered and i looked down.

"No you won't" Mikey assured him and i saw a guard stare our way.

"Lets sit Mikey, they're staring" I whispered to him and he nodded. I let go of his hand and slowly sat opposite my dad, Mikey sat next to me and watched him carefully.

"So how are you!?" he asked staring at me and i just stared back. He actually cared? He was sober and he cared. Why couldn't he have been like this before? It would've been easier for the both of us. For a start we both wouldn't be here, we would be at home watching television together like a proper family. Kyle wouldn't be after me and i wouldn't be messed up. Oh how i wish things would change, how people would change. On the other side if this didn't happen then i wouldn't have met the guys. They changed my life in such a good way.

"I'm fine" I lied "And you?"

"I'm... Fine" He smiled and I nodded slowly knowing he was lying to. It must be horrible here, being looked at and treated like dirt. "Is this your foster dad?" he asked looking at Mikey and i shook my head.

"Foster uncle" he told him "Her dad is the one that went to hit you that time" Oh thanks Mikey. Make a good impression for Gerard why don't you.

"Oh right, i remember" he whispered looking back at me "You being looked after?" he asked and I heard Mikey scoff.

"Yeah, very well actually" I whispered and he smiled.

"You wouldn't know though would you. You're not there for her and you probably don't even know how to look after her properly" he snapped and I nudged him

"I'm so sorry Cassie, i wish I could've seen myself. I wish i could've stopped myself. I'm so sorry you saw me like i was and i wish i could go back and change everything" he said tearing up and i felt bad  for him. He looked so regretful and sad. I think we would all want to go back and change it all but we can't.

"I know you're sorry" I whispered not knowing what to say.

"Cassie, no matter what happens. You will always be my little Cassie, my daughter. Your so strong and I don't know how you coped with me being drunk. You honestly do remind me of your mother, never gave up and stayed strong" I quickly swiped my face to get rid of the tears that fell down my face. My mother? I was like her... Well yeah she was strong but I'm not, the things I did to myself to cope, that wasn't being strong?

"Right times up. All visitors vacate from the premises" The guard ordered and dad sighed. Times up already!??

"I hope to see you soon Cassie, it's really up to you and your... Foster family" he sighed and I nodded. Mikey stood up and I copied, honestly, I didn't want to leave him there on his own. He was still human and still was my dad no matter what. Me and Mikey walked out of the gate, collected our items and walked outside. It strangely felt good to see my dad, to see him as his real sober self. It just upsets me that its too late. We started walking to the car but quickly stopped when we saw a pissed off Gerard standing there staring at us.

"We will talk when we get home" he frowned and got into his car. Me and Mikey exchanged a worried look and got into his car. Great, now I get a lecture from Gerard. Well, my dads in that prison and I get to see him out of my own choice whether he likes it or not!

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