The End?

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Daniel pulled up at a big warehouse, I glared and him but he just smiled...There was something wrong about this.

"A warehouse?" I asked raising an eyebrow and he nodded.

"Look inside" He whispered turning the keys and stepping out of the car. I looked at the warehouse for a minute and shook my head. Why the hell would he bring me to a freaking warehouse? An abandoned warehouse may I add. This is like the movies where someone gets killed inside there. Nah, too cliche. I stepped out of the car and walked to the entrance of the warehouse watching Daniel carefully, couldn't be too careful right?

"What's in here?" I asked looking in and seeing boxes of crap. Not literally cause that would just be too gross.

"I'm so sorry" He whispered and I heard the door slam shut. I ran to it and tried opening it but couldn't. What the hell was he playing at?

"Daniel! Open the freaking door" I shouted still trying to pull it, even tried kicking it but I couldn't. I saw a hand gently place its hand on mine and gulped. Who the hell could this be? Luke with some kind of romantic date? I'd kill him.

"Cassie" He whispered in my ear and I gulped even more. This is the voice I was hoping I'd never hear again. The voice that gave me nightmares, made me afraid to live my life. The voice that belonged to the man I hated. Kyle.

"W.." I couldn't find any words to come out. My heart was beating to fast, I couldn't move. 

"What a pleasant surprise" He took my hand and lead me away from the door, I wanted to fight him, get away from him but I couldn't. My body was taking me to where he was taking me to. "Miss me?" He asked raising an eyebrow and I stared at him.

"How did you..."

"Daniel" He shrugged knowing my question "He was my bait. You was just stupid enough to take it" He smirked and I frowned at him. "Oh, Did I upset you?" He tilted his head letting out a horrible chuckle.

"Why can't you just leave me alone" I said through gritted teeth and he stopped laughing, His face was emotionless.

"You turned my brother against me, you ruined my life. Tried getting away with the things you did. Not paying me, not giving me the fame I deserve!" He shouted in my face and I winced. "You HAVE to pay" He spat and I whimpered. "Your scared, Poor little Cassie's scared" He chuckled weirdly and stroked my cheek. "Don't worry, it will be over soon" He whispered in my ear and my heart stopped. He was going to kill me? Is this the end?

"Just kill me then" I whispered and he shook his head smiling.

"No, that would be too nice Cassie! I mean, why don't we have a little therapy lesson huh? Talk about your fucked up life?" He pushed me and I fell to the ground, he sat next to me smiling. "So tell me, how is it having a dead mother and a abusive dad?" He asked and I gritted my teeth. He wanted to break me. I wouldn't let him.

"Fuck you" I choked out and he slapped me.

"Now now, don't be like that" He tutted and I held my face. "Your foster dad... You fell out with him didn't you? He tried to be pathetic and act like a real dad to you but you just couldn't take it" How the fuck did he know this!? I went to stand up but he stood and pushed me down quickly. "Let's role-play!" He smiled and I stared at him. "I'll be your dad and you play... Well, you!" He clapped pretending to be an excited kid and I gulped.

"JUST KILL ME!" I screamed frowning and he started stumbling.

"You. You pathetic Child...Whatever would your mother say" He leaned down and grabbed my wrist holding them tightly. "She'd be disgusted" He spat.

"STOP IT!" I begged, I couldn't hold the tears back, they streamed down my face and he let go slowly.

"Crying? Pathetic" He sighed "Your so weak" He shook his head and I wiped the tears away. "I don't know why I bother with you" He laughed.

"J...Just Stop" I pleaded and he raised an eyebrow.

"Stop?...Stop? Hm, Maybe I will if you beg" He smirked and stood tall. I slowly got on my knees and looked up at him.

"Please, stop" I begged and looked down quickly, He lifted my chin up and pouted at me, making me feel more pathetic.

"Okay" He nodded and knelt down. "Okay, you begged. You did what you was told so I stop" He nodded more and smiled. Was that it? He let go of my chin and searched his pockets "I got a present for you, you will LOVE it!" He grinned and pulled out a gun. I stared at it and gulped. Okay...I'll die by a bullet.

"A gun" 

"YES! That's right! A gun! Well done Cassie, 5 gold stars for you!" He chuckled and I sat. "Guess what I'm going to do with it" He smirked smugly.

"Kill me with it?" I asked and he nodded pointing it to my head. I gulped ready for death. Ready to see my mother once again. Be re-united with her and to live happily in the after life. But then I'd leave Gerard and dad? I love them and Bee! Was I truly ready? What would they do? I didn't want them to be upset over me. What have I done?

"In the head would be too nice" He laughed and lowered it. "In the stomach... Well, you'll bleed to death and it Will be painful" He held it to my stomach and I frowned. Fucker. He pulled the trigger and the air flew out of my lungs. I Jerked forwards holding my stomach in pain. He pulled the gun away smirking and my hands began to turn red. It was like the blood was paint. It just kept coming. I  laid on the floor gritting my teeth in agony.

"BASTARD" I choked out through the pain.

"Does it hurt Cassie?" He asked bending down more and holding my face "The pain? Does it fucking kill?" He asked gritting his teeth and my sight became blurry. "Oh no you don't" He said slapping my cheeks so I stayed awake. "Your dying the painful way" He smirked and I coughed up some blood, some hit him and made me smile. I saw someone walk up behind Kyle slowly with something in there hands, I frowned and squinted my eyes to see who and what they was holding but it was no use. The person lowered something quickly onto Kyle's head and he fell to the ground. I wasn't the only one bleeding.

"Cassie!?" I heard the person shout and he ran to me. "Oh shit" He panicked and I heard beeping noises "999 NOW!" He panicked and I couldn't hang on any more, my head flopped to the side and I could just make out the shape of Kyle's head. He wasn't moving. His eyes were opened and he wasn't blinking. Was he dead? Would I see him in the afterlife? I saw something white above me and looked to see my mother standing there.

"Cassie, I'm here" Her soft voice whispered and she stroked my cheek gently. "Hang in there hunny, you have a lot to live for" she whispered and I frowned.

"Mum...I'm coming" I whispered before closing my eyes and going into complete darkness.

I'm Not Okay 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora