I'm not a kid anymore

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I can admit now that me and Luke have worn out our clothes, they all had rips and holes in them. Luke hated shopping so we didn't go often but we needed to go now.

"I'm going shopping" I told him and he stared at me.

"I hate shopping" He muttered sighing

"Stay here then, I need to go out on my own... I have my phone" I shrugged and he shook his head, "I can't just be afraid to be alone all my life Luke, I need to do this simple thing by myself. I know what I'm getting so I'll go get it and come straight back" I told him and he nodded slowly. I smiled hugging him and went to the suitcase where we stored the money.

"Just be careful" He whispered and I nodded.

"I'm not a kid anymore" I whispered back stuffing money into my pockets and he shot me a look, I stuck out my tongue which really didn't help the situation of me not being a kid.

"You sure about that?" He chuckled and I nodded.

"Fancy giving me a lift there?" I asked innocently giving him the puppy eyes look so he would agree, I didn't want to drive... I couldn't since I was young. He nodded and grabbed the keys walking with me out of the motel room. We both ran to the car as if we was racing to it and I won with help from people getting in Luke's way. He unlocked the car and I sat in the passengers seat. When he sat in the drivers seat I smirked.

"Cheat" He huffed and I shook my head.

"That wasn't cheating! I didn't really pay people to get in your way" I laughed and he shrugged, "That's pointless" I shrugged back.

"Whatever you say, Cheater" He smirked driving off to the mall.

When we got their I kissed him on the cheek and jumped out of the car running into the mall. I knew what I needed and I knew what to not do. Trust anyone their and never go to unpopular places. I'm safer in a crowd. I saw Starbucks up ahead and smiled, I knew I had to have a Mocha before I left. It wouldn't hurt right?

I slowed my pace down examining the clothing shops until I couldn't be bothered to look anymore and just entered a random one. My luck, It was a boys shop. Luke needed clothes but I wanted to get my own first. I looked around the shop trying to see clothes what Luke would wear, I could always be mean and buy him something horrible... No. I knew he would get his revenge easily.

I looked up to see a boy about my age opposite me picking out some clothes, He kept throwing me glances nervously which made me nervous. I grabbed a few clothes and rushed to the counter paying quickly and rushing out of the shop.

About 30 minutes later I got Luke's clothes, My clothes and a few extra things like DVD'S and CD's which Luke would hate. This was the part of the day I was looking forward to, Starbucks! I dragged my feet to the coffee shop and ordered a mocha, I was going to take it out but there was quite a few people here and it strangely made me feel safe. I grabbed my mocha paying the man and sat down at a empty table. I dumped my bags next to me and sunk into the seat, I brought the mocha to my mouth and sipped it. It was like heaven.

"Excuse me" I heard a weak british accent and looked up to see the boy from that boys shop looking at me. "Is this seat taken?" He asked and I shook my head. "Well can I sit here... The shops full and this is basically the only seat here" He laughed and his eyes widened "Not that I didn't want to sit here because of you or something... Oh this is sounding wrong" He muttered to himself making me laugh and I moved over.

"You can sit here" I shrugged and he smiled at me sitting down. He sipped his coffee and smiled at me.

"I'm Daniel" He reached out his hand and I smiled

"Cassie" I said shaking his hand and I looked around the shop.

"Come here often then?" He asked trying to make a conversation and I nodded.

"Not to this one in particular, just... Random Starbuck's around the world" I laughed and he raised an eyebrow

"So you travel a lot?" He asked quietly and I nodded. "With family?"

"No, just my boyfriend" I smiled and he smiled back.

"Where's your family?" He asked nervously, probably not wanting to upset me.

"Home" I whispered finishing my Mocha.

"Oh, your not alone... I'm on the run" He half smiled and I frowned slightly wanting to know more, "Family trouble, divorce... and just shit that happened" He shrugged feeling uncomfortable talking about it. He finished his coffee and I smiled.

"It was nice meeting you" I said and he stood up

"You too" He smiled and I went to grab my bags but a man pushed me into Daniel.

"Whoa" I mumbled as Daniel caught me.

"Hey Watch where you're going! Twat!" He snapped at the man.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" The man apologised and I stood up straight, next thing I saw was Daniel on the floor holding his nose. I turned around and Saw Luke standing their looking annoyed.

"What the hell are you doing!?" I shouted at him and he stared at me.

"He grabbed you"

"No, he caught me" That came out wrong, "This man accidentally pushed me and Daniel caught me. He helped" I shrugged and Luke didn't believe me.

"We need to go" He whispered grabbing the bags and I looked at Daniel who's nose was bleeding. "Now" He snapped

"I'll only go if Daniel comes with us" I snapped and Luke looked shocked. "He's a good guy which you punched, plus he is bleeding" I frowned and Luke nodded slowly giving in. I ran to Daniel who was now sitting up and he kept swearing to himself.

"Thanks" He whispered swallowing the pain and I smiled. I helped him stand up and grabbed his bags following Luke to the car. Daniel stuck next to me probably afraid of Luke, I must admit I was afraid of him. I hated violence, it brought back so many bad memories. Daniel was kind of like me, just I had the shittier life. I wanted to help him like everyone helped me. We all needed a friend and I was going to be that friend for him. We all went in the car and Luke drove us back to the motel. I lead Daniel into our room and sat him on the bed.

"Keep your head held back and hold your nose" I told him rushing to the bathroom grabbing some cotton wool and a bowl of water. I ran back and Luke was staring at him. "Stay still" I told him dabbing the wet cotton wool onto the blood cleaning it away. "It doesn't look broken, just a nose bleed" I shrugged and he smiled

"That's good then" He chuckled slightly. When i was finished he looked at Luke and smiled slightly, "I'm sorry dude, I know she's your girlfriend and I wasn't trying anything. This man pushed her and she kind of fell into me" He explained and Luke nodded. I grabbed the bowl and dirty cotton wool and walked to the bathroom. Luke followed and I sighed. I emptied the bowl and put the dirty cotton wool in the bin.

"I thought he was with Kyle... I thought he was grabbing you Cassie, I'm sorry" He whispered and I ran up to him hugging him.

"I forgive you" I whispered in his ear hugging him tightly. I can understand why Luke was angry with Daniel, it did look wrong since he was holding my arm and I looked shocked. "Just go and say sorry to Daniel" I laughed "Since you nearly did break his nose" I whispered pulling away and he nodded. "Not everyone in the world is bad you know" I told him and he half smiled walking off and nodding. I do hope them two got on, I really liked them both. Daniel was like my younger brother who needed my help. I didn't want him to feel alone.

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