A proper family

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Me and Lyn-z walked downstairs together both smiling and everyone shot us a worried look, apart from Bandit of course, she just smiled widely.

"Um..." Mikey stood up raising an eyebrow

"Hey Mikes" I whispered and sat down in the living room next to Lyn-z.They all wouldn't stop staring which was pretty funny. I heard the phone ring and Ray quickly walked off to answer it, Gerard watched and smiled at us both. "So..." I whispered trying to break the awkward silence.

"Um, how are you both feeling?" Gerard asked leaning closer and Lyn-z nudged me gently, what did she have planned?

"Not good" She whispered shaking her head and looking down "Cassie... She just" she hid her face and smirked, I knew she was trying to mess around.

"She just what?" Gerard widened his eyes.

"She just isn't.." She sighed and everyone stared "She just isn't girly enough, I think that shopping is needed and pink flowery dresses are needed to be added to the basket!" She smiled and even my jaw dropped to the floor.

"You are joking right..?" Frank asked worried and she smiled more

"Of course, no daughter of mine is being too girly" She rolled her eyes and I think everyone was hit with relief. I saw Ray walk to the door looking like he had seen a ghost.

"Um, Gerard, come to the kitchen a sec" He whispered and walked off, Gerard raised an eyebrow and followed him quickly.

"Oh, your faces! It was hilarious" Lyn-z giggled and I smiled at her.

"Thank god you was joking" I whispered and everyone relaxed.

"Not funny, just imagine that... Cassie all...Well, Girly" Frank shivered and I threw a pillow at him "Hey!" He smirked

"I can be girly when I want to be" I shrugged "Just not too much pink" I shivered and pulled a face, Frank laughed and Gerard walked back in looking pale "What's wrong?" I asked and he sat next to me.

"I um... I'm sorry to say this" He whispered and the thought that popped into my mind was death, but everyone I loved was here with me?

"Spill!" I snapped, I hated people who made things tense, it made the situation worse. He gulped and held my hand.

"The prison called Cassie, Your dad wants you to visit" He whispered and I heard everyone gasp. My dad? My real dad... Wanted me to visit him? I couldn't could I? He was my dad... But after what he did, would the guys let me go?

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