Keep Running

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I know when I'm not wanted, what I don't know is what I've done wrong? Gerard sounded happy whenever I spoke to him, he always asked when I was coming home ad now I came home... He doesn't want me there.

Keep running, I have to keep running no matter what. This is so messed up, I should stop and just go back home. I'm not safe on my own, I knew someone was following me. Who was following me though? Kyle? Gerard? Who knows, Actually... I don't even want to know.

"Cassie!" I heard a man shout out but I wasn't going to stop running, not for anyone. "Cassie!!!" He called out again, his voice was familiar... Annoying. I felt an arm grab mine and soon stopped. Frank stood in front of me looking as worried as hell.

"Let go" I whispered trying to hold back tears.

"I'm too annoying to let go" He smirked but I could tell he was upset

"You're right there" I smirked a little

"I missed you" He whispered and I felt a tear escape my eye. Oh shit... He grabbed and pulled me into a hug. "I missed annoying you" He sniffed and I chuckled a little.

"So that's it? You just missed me because you had no one else to annoy?" I asked and pulled away, He smirked and nodded.

"Basically yes"

"Oh that's nice to know" I smirked.

"We all missed you silly" He smiled and messed my hair up, oh the joys of being... 'Home'. I did miss them all though.

"And I missed you all back" I half smiled and looked down at the floor.

"Come home then" He whispered and I quickly shook my head "Cassie..."

"No! They don't want me there. Didn't you hear Lyn-z? Gerard really didn't do anything to back me up. I'm not there child"

"Yeah you are. I don't care if Lyn-z isn't happy with you at the moment, Your her daughter Cassie. She has to understand that" Frank told me and I sniffed back another tear.

"What have I done wrong Frank?" I asked sadly and he hugged me again.

"You've done nothing, don't go annoying yourself thinking you did. If anyone's going to annoy you it'll be me anyway" He chuckled and I hugged him back. "Look, we'll go home and I'll stick with you. If Lyn-z starts on you then I'll be there to bite back" He whispered pulling away and I nodded. He took my hand and we slowly walked home. 

When we got to the front door I stopped. Was I ready for this? Ready to get shouten at? Ready to get hurt inside... Bring it. Frank opened the door and slowly lead me in. I saw Gerard sit in the living room looking up at me. Lyn-z was no where to be seen.

"Cassie I..." And before he could finish that sentence I let go of Frank's hand and walked off upstairs into my room. I saw my bed and literally dived on it hugging the soft pillows. This is the life! If I didn't have people after me and people hating me that is.

"SISSY!?" I heard a screech come from the door and I slowly sat up to see Bandit's face light up. She didn't change one bit.

"Boo" I whispered and she ran and dived on me hugging me tightly. "Hey Bee, loosen the grip please" I choked out and she let go.

"Sorry Sissy!" She smiled innocently and I  hugged her gently "Mummy said you wasn't coming back! She lied!" Bandit shook her head and smiled at me again "I missed you" She whispered and I swallowed hard.

"I missed you to bee" I whispered and she jumped up.

"I drew you LOTS of pictures!" She grinned and I couldn't help but chuckle "Its of me, you... And everyone!" She jumped up and down and I looked at the doorway to see Gerard standing there looking sad.

"Bee, can I talk to Cassie for a sec?" Gerard asked and before  I could stop her, she ran out. Great, now I get to hear his sorry. Fucking brilliant.

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