Chapter 4- Cats And Dogs Dont Mix

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Chapter 4- cats ad dogsa dont mix

~picture of zack on side~

Aubree's p.o.v

I woke up in my bed and sighed, i had an all out fight with my father about my mate.

I mean he is my mate and i will always love him no matter what he is but its just meant to be and my father cant expet that.

He was very angry because i mentioned how my mother would have been supportive of my choose to be with my mate.

My father just left after telling me no that it was never going to happen.

I walked down the stairs after getting dressing in denim short shorts and a crock top. I saw my dad and frowned.

I ignored him and walked past him like he didn't even exist. He cleared his thought trying to get me to look at him to give him some kind of acknowledgement.

I went to walk out the front door only to be grabbed by my brother and my dad. I glared at them and tried to get away from them.

"You don't go near that boy" my dad stated firmly. I glared at him how dare he.

"but d-" i started only to be cut off by father

"Cats and dogs don't mix" he said in a 'duh' tone. "Anyways, you are to be mated with the beta of this pack an that is final." he told me.

At this point i was on the Verge of tears.

"I hate you, both of you!" i screamed, as i ran out of the pack house and into my car. The rest of the pack was either at work or at school at this point.

There was a knock at me window and i looked up to see no other them my father and my brother. God, cant they take a hint?

I rolled down my window a crack so i could here them talk. "What?! Do you want to ruin my life more!?" i screamed at them from inside my car.

i looked into there eyes and saw regret and hurt. "Hun, we just want whats best for you and this is whats best for you we love you" my father tried to reason with me.

"Move" i stated firmly. They looked confused.

"Unless you want to be ran over. MOVE!" i screamed at the top of my lungs.

The nodded and backed away from my car. I drove off to school thinking about my mate. Hes a sexy nerd.  He isn't like every other guy hes not a player and a user hes perfect.

I wish i could be the same for him but with my crazied father and brother who probably had people watching me right now.

They treat me like I'm 3 years old and I'm feed up with it. I pulled into the packing lat of my school only to see every girl flocked around.... my mate?

He was dressed differently.... just like every other guy at my school... i played, a user everything that i thought he wasn't.

My shoulders maybe this arranged matting is for the best. His eyes brighter when they saw me then went dull as they saw the disappointment clear in my eyes.

I went to my locker and got out my things them walked over to my classes with.... Colten.. my best friend the man that i was going to forced to mate with.

Colten as apologized multiple times about it but i just brushed it off. I hope colten finds his mate soon because i don't want him like that.

But then again i don't have my mate he's changing and its not for the better and its not at all what i wanted.

I've lost my mate he is just like every other guy that i can't stand and it breaks my heart to see him like this... to try and change for me which is not what i wanted and it never will be.


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