Story 1(Phan),Chapter 1: The boy with black hair

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*POV Dan*

I rest my head against the bus's window. A familiar vibration shivers through me from the engine of the bus. The condensation makes my cheek slightly damp.I close my eyes and curl up in my seat. And before I know it i'm drifting off to sleep.

Later —

I awake to the clatter of children on the bus talking about whatever on there mind. Lucky. If I did that I would have been straight up evicted by dad. Shame that life had to be this way. If only I wasn't born me.

The familiar song "All Star" plays through my headphones and wipes me out of my daze. According to my phone I slept 20 minutes. Great. I look around the bus to see where we are and who's on the bus so far. Though same old people, same old faces - Except one. He has pale skin and black hair from where I can see. I know he's new, he stands out. I'm sure I would've noticed him before. Whoever he is, he sticks out like a sore thumb.

— Later —

"Anything happen today?" Chris asks while picking at his food with a fork.

"Nothing much, Greg invited me to go to a house party though, I guess i'll go. What about you?" I sighed.

"Well Maria spread I rumour that I have a 4 inch dick so that was nice." Chris exclaimed.

"Typical Maria" Tahlia says as she sits down next to me. The distance between us is literally 0 inches because Tahlia doesn't believe in personal space if you're dating her. " So Dan" She say's rolling the n. " Are you going to Greg's party tonight?" She asks while clinging on to my arm. Jesus, she annoys the shit out of me. " Guess so" I mumble. She let's out a a satisfied sigh and moves closer to me, I say that but she's practically sitting on me now. Chris stares down at his food, obviously uncomfortable, I feel sorry for him to be honest. He gets uncomfortable whenever Maria show's any kind of affection in front of him and I don't blame him. " Please excuse me" Chris coughs out and then glides out of the hallway. But on his way out something catches my eye. The boy with black hair, I'm able to see he's eyes are blue this time but not ordinary blue, ocean blue, deep deep ocean blue. And like that, he's gone.

*Hello! I hope you enjoyed that chapter :3 sorry if it has typos or isn't v interesting this is my first fan fiction and i'm a really young writer but I hope it's okay! bai :3 - Vick*

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