Chapter 3: 709

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*POV Phil*

Bus 709 abruptly stops at one of the most battered and broken streets I have seen in Clovendale so far. All the houses are overgrown with grass and weeds and the paint off of the houses are peeling off the walls revealing a dirty white colour underneath. A boy with messy brown hair and a black t-shirt climbs onto the bus while quickly scanning around for a seat. I keep my eyes down trying not to be noticed while fiddling with my hands. I'm not good with strangers, especially good looking ones that are guys. I hear an announcement go off on the bus's speakers but I daze through it ignoring whatever is going on. With my head still down I hear someone take the seat next to me and i'm guessing it's the boy with messy hair. The thought of him sitting that close next to me made my cheeks tingle. (AN: Okay I know that's a weird way of saying "It made my cheeks feel hot" but that's what happens to me even though i've seen no one write that) He smelled faintly of alcohol, cinnamon and sleep. I could see his eyes scanning me up and down, gazing at every detail through the corner of my eye before turning away. I look back up to find him starring out the bus window with a tired look on his face. The rest of the bus trip was sat in an anxious silence.

— Later —

" So Phil, how are you enjoying Canon West so far?" PJ asks with a smirk on his face while shoving a couple chips into his mouth. " It's different... I guess?" I reply, " I mean the people here are a bit strange but the teachers are nice I guess." I continue to stare down at my untouched food, a heated pizza slice and chips. " Phil you should've went to Greg's party last night!" PJ suddenly exclaims," It was amazing! There was whisky and beer and we played a game of body shots and..." PJ goes on about Greg's party and how he did body shots and stuff while my eyes catch sight of the boy from this morning, waiting in the cafeteria line. He's completely dressed in black, black vans, skinny jeans and t-shirt. Though it doesn't just make him look like a walking shadow, he pulls it off. Not only does he pull it off- " Phil! Phil!" PJ snaps his fingers in my face pulling me out of my daze. " You zoned out for 5 minutes Phil, is everything alright?" PJ asks with a worried look on his face, " Um yeah. of course, every things great." I reply with a smile. " Okay good, anyway like I was saying about the party...."

AN: YO YO, hey guys, I hope you enjoyed that! I've gotten my sister to start helping me with this fic so hopefully the grammar will actually be okay soon. Anyway, have a nice day, bai!

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