Chapter 2: Morning days

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*POV Dan*

Tahlia lights a cig, taking a long drag ( AN: Is that right? Idk anything about smoking obviously) before offering me one. "Not tonight" I sigh over the blaring music coming from inside Greg's house. The cold can of beer is wetting my hand from the condensation clinging to the sides of the half empty can. Tahlia does some tricks with the smoke from her cigarette like blowing rings n' shit. After being here for two hours I'm at the point where i'm just drunk enough to ask daring questions that I wouldn't normally ask sober. I take advantage of this. " Hey, Tahlia?" I chirp," I've been wondering have you seen that boy with black hair and blue eyes hanging around our school lately?" She thinks for a moment before replying with, "The really pale one?" I nod. " Yeah he's in my home room, he seems like a total nutter though. I heard he's family's psychotic and so is he. Best you not go near him. I don't want you to get hurt babe" I silently nod not saying anything more. "Hey Dan (Rolling the n), best we go upstairs now, it's starting getting a bit noisy down here." She says with a wink while grabbing hold of my hand with her manicured nails. Normally I would reject because I know what upstairs always leads to. But this time I couldn't be bothered to fight back.

— Later —

I wake up with a stabbing pain in my head remembering what happened last night. Drinking 6 cans of beer in a row was not a smart idea specially on a Tuesday. The alarm on my counter top blares the song "Welcome To The Black Parade" on it's full volume. I have grown to start hating the song and make a mental note to change my alarm song when I get back home. I roll out of bed and check my reflection in the mirror. Curly hair, bloodshot eyes and deep bags. The usual. I chuck on a black tee and some skinny jeans but couldn't be bothered straightening my hair. I make my way down stairs and slip out the doorway without anyone noticing me. Now all that's left is to walk to the bus stop and get through the day.

— Later —

The bus is packed today with primary school children playing Pokémon in the hallway and seniors chatting away happily. I search for a seat but mostly all the seats are taken. The only seats left is one next to a primary school kid who's know for picking his nose and rubbing it on people and the other one is next to the boy with black hair. I opt to stand up because it's best not to take my chances of sitting next to a psychopath, even if he does have nice eyes. Wait what am I saying? Why did I just think that? I mean he's eyes aren't that special and I mean- " Students please choose a seat and stay in it! No standing is permitted on this bus!" yell's the speaker from above my head giving me a jump. And by no students he basically just means me. Well, I guess I don't have much choice. I take a seat next to him with out asking, though he doesn't oppose. He just continues to look down at the ground in a nervous way. On his bag I realise there's a name tag. Bhil, I read. What kinda name is that? After observing the tag from afar for a bit longer I realise it doesn't say Bhil but Phil. He is Phil. I glance up at him. The name suits him.

The rest of the bus ride was surrounded in a awkward silence.

AN: Hey! I hope you enjoyed that chapter :) Sorry if this story goes a bit slow i'm trying my best to make it at least semi-good. I basically update every 2-3 days so stay tuned :3

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