Chapter 7: Wasted space

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POV Phil

(2 weeks later)

Me and Dan had been spending a lot more time together since that night. From tutors, afternoon hang outs, lunch breaks to just simple greetings in the hall wall. I feel like I'm becoming closer friends with him everyday. Even if I wanted it to be more than friends I was fine with this.

Though along with that I'd been spending a lot of time with Pj too. Specially over the weekends, we would hang out at his house and talk and play video games. It was fun and I enjoyed being with him too.

Though the thing is whenever I try to hang out with them both Pj always makes excuses to leave and Dan goes all shy and quiet. It doesn't help that their always throwing shade at each other when ever their together.

— Later —

"Hey Phil!" I hear a soothing voice call from behind.

I turn to find Pj leaning up against a old grey locker dressed in a cute plaid shirt and and grey skinny jeans.

"What's up?" I question.

"Well um I know you're not into parties but I'm having one at my house and I would really like if you came to it. If you don't like it then you'll never have to come to it again, i promise."

"Ah I'm not quite sure.." I mumble in reply.

"Phil, please, just one?" Pj whines.

I consider for a while, why not just once? It'll be a new experience, even if I hate the idea.

"Okay, fine." I groan.

Pj's green crystal eyes light up as a smirk forms on his face.

"Okay good, wear something cute." Pj winks and my heart jumps a little.

Pj walks off into the apis of students walking through the hallway while i'm left releasing what decision I just made. I guess it's too late to go back.

I think about why my heart jumped when he winked though. Don't I have feelings for Dan? Or do I have feelings for both now??? Like sure Pj's cute but so is Dan???

I have no idea what is going on.

— Later —

I show up to a familiar sight of a giant white house but this time it's decorated by confetti and lights and loud music that's coming from the inside. I step along the cobblestone path that leads to a large timber door. I knock twice against the door to later be greeting with a girl showing possibly to much skin.

"Oh hey, your umm...Pj's friends right? Yeah come in." the girl says.

I step into the hall way to be presented with the sight of people sharing conversations, getting drunk and dancing or more grinding to the music. Straight away I can tell I don't fit in here.

I try to make my way along the hall without being noticed, maybe i'll camp out by the living room or somewhere upstairs. Somewhere where I can just be alone is good enough.

I walk into the conjoined dinning/kitchen room. Again more people are taking shots and grinding on each other. I make my way to the couch trying to avoid getting grinded on. When I finally reach the empty couch I pull out my phone to avoid talking to people. I read old texts from friends, update all my social medias and read a chapter of fan fiction in a time span of 15 minutes.

"You know people don't normally go to parties to be antisocial Phil."

I look up to find Dan taking a seat next to me. A sigh of relief rushes over me even if he is slightly drunk, at least it's someone. He's dressed in a a leather jacket along with his usual black on black attire. Look cute as usual.

"I'm actually quite surprised to find you here." Dan says," I didn't think you'd be the type."

"I'm not." I correct," It's ahh one time thing I guess."

"Well while your here I am obliged to keep you entertained. Come one lets go outside."

Dan grabs me by the hand ( a thing he's never done before ) and leads me outside. The whole time I feel a buzz go through my hand and my face gets hot.

Dan grabs two beer cans on the way out the door and chucks one to me. I've never had a proper drink but I guess there's always a first. Hopefully it's not too bad.

Dan finds a quite spot in a corner of Pj's backyard and we take a seat. Dan cracks the beer open and I do the same, some of the beer fizzes at the top just like a soda can.

"Ever drank before?" Dan asks, I shake my head in reply," Thought so." Dan laughs.

"Just go easy and you'll be fine." Dan says before taking a sip from his beer. "By the way if your gonna get laid don't have it in your friends bed, they don't normally enjoy cleaning it up."

I giggle,"Doubt i'll ever get laid to be honest."

"Bullshit, you're hot." Dan replies, my faces goes hot. Dan seems to notice this and changes the conversation topic.

"Anyway, todays an important day Phil! Your first drink, come on have a sip."

I raise the cold can to my lips and take a small sip. A slight burning sensation goes down my throat, it taste a tiny bit like soda but just with more...alcohol.

Dan gives me a reassuring smile and takes another sip.

— Later —

The blare of sirens comes closer every seconds while people all around start to panic.

"Phil we need to go, now!" Dan says stuffing a few beers into his bag.

"Come on." Dan yells over the sirens leading me by the hand.

We sprint across Pj's yard jumping over his fence and stumbling down the road behind the fence. After running 10 minutes we come to a forest cut off by a fence.

"Come on," Dan whispers lifting up a piece of wire to get through the fence. I follow him and we keep running for a few more minutes until we stop to catch our breath near a giant pine tree.

"D-dan what just happened?" I stutter.

"Phil, don't worry, it happens a lot at parties. When ever you hear sirens at a party run, straight away. You can get in huge trouble if they catch you, okay Phil?" I nod while. I'm surprised at how calm i'm acting right now. If I was sober I would probably be crying while having a panic attack right now.

"Come on, the fun hasn't ended yet," Dan smirks while throwing me another can. I guess there's no choice.

— 1 hour later —

Me and dan lean against a tree trunk, half asleep. I'm resting against Dan's shoulder while he also starts to fall asleep.

I guess tonight wasn't too bad, only thanks too Dan though.

A/N: I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THAT I THOUGHT IT WAS ACTUALLY QUITE A GOOD CHAPTER. You can obviously tell i've never actually been to a party becuase i'm pretty sure not that much grinding happens. I just sit in my room and write gay Phanfiction so ayyyy.

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