Chapter 4: Fall

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*POV Dan*

A gush of wind flows through the air, bringing fresh leaves and dew down to the ground. The wind blows against my face, leaving a cold, refreshing chill on my skin.

It's in the middle of spring and I'm currently sat in the 'Fall Tree'. The name was given to it due to the fact that it's the only known tree blooming with brown leaves in this area all year round.

It's well known in Clovendale. Even the words "Fall Tree" are carved deeply into it's trunk by a local, along with a bunch of initials engraved by cheesy couples, hearts encircling them.

It's comforting to lay up in the tree while listening to music or gazing up at the stars. It's a convenient thing that Rundell Park (Where the Fall Tree is located) is only a few streets down from the house. It's a nice get away when things get particularly rough or tiring in the household.

The quietness makes me feel sleepy and out of focus. My eyes flutter closed before having to abruptly wake myself up before I fall into a slumber. A particularly strong gush of wind blows by, tipping me slightly to the side of the branch. I quickly steady myself.

"Ow.." I hear someone whine from below.

I look down and see a dark figure sitting at the trunk of the tree with a hand on his head. Lying beside him, in its green case, is my phone.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?!" I yell, instantly feeling bad for what I accidentally did.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just hurts a bit, though." He says before looking up.

We lock eyes. Then I realise; it's Phil. The one from the bus, the one in the cafeteria and now the one at the tree. A silence surrounds us for around 5 seconds.

"So, erm.." Phil says, blushing while picking up my phone.

"Want this back?" He says, handing me my phone.

"Oh yeah, thanks." I say while hopping down from the tree and taking my phone from his hand.

"My name's Dan by the way, Dan Howell. And you're?"

Of course I already knew his name, but this seemed more polite and casual. I didn't want to seem like a stalker.

"It's ah, Phil, Phil lester. " Phil says before turning away, avoiding any further eye contact.

"So what brings you down here?" I ask.

"Homework.." He says with a sigh. "Particularly math. I came here thinking that it would clear my mind but the numbers on the page still look like gibberish."

I had nothing to do so I went for it. "Need help?" I ask.

"Sure, i-if you don't mind."


"It's nearly sunset." Phil says gazing up at the horizon. "I better get going before dark." He says while packing up the picnic of books and pens scattered around us. I shove my phone into my pocket and help him collect his bits of stationary.

"Oh, and Dan?" Phil chirps, "Thanks. For everything. You should tutor me again some time. Anyway, see you 'round." Phil says while fiddling with his thumbs before turning to run off into the distance.

The sky falls into a warm shade of orange and yellow while the sun falls down. It's comforting and pretty. Normally, I hate the colour yellow, but currently there couldn't be a better colour to fit the moment. I smile to myself.

Today was a good day.

AN: AY! I hope you liked it ^-^ they finally met aha, sorry for not updating in a while this chapter took awhile to write. BTW FOLLOW MY BAE WHO EDITED THIS @DANOOTNOOTS SHES GREAT OK BYE.

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