Chapter 5: Tive

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The smell of greasy cheese and pepperoni fills the cafeteria room. All around, the students are munching on their slices while happily chatting to each other about various things in between mouthfuls. I hear words like "Kardashian", "Justin" and "Damn Daniel" in the crowd of students.

I scan my eyes around the room for Phil but he's no where to be found. Lately, I haven't been able to stop thinking about him. I mean, I've only properly met him a few days ago, so why does he keep appearing in my mind at random moments? I shouldn't think of him so much, I have a girlfriend.

Chris slips into the seat parallel from me with a tray full of pizza and chips.

"Where's Tahlia today?" He asks with a puzzled look on his face, glancing around.

He's right, she isn't here today, which I just noticed thanks to him. I guess Chris has gotten so use to her being around lately that it's just become an everyday thing.

"Well, hello to you too, Chris." I say while looking around the room in search for Tahlia. I catch sight of her 4 tables away next to a guy named Vince, if I recall correctly. I feel a pang in my stomach. I observe them for a while and notice they seem to be  flirting to each other a lot; winking, giggling and all that. I decide to keep an eye on them, I'm suspicious. It also doesn't help that she has been avoiding me all day.

— Later —

I've seated myself behind a bookshelf, pretending to scan through novels. Between the gap of books in the books shelves, I observe Tahlia and Vince seated at one of the desks. Some people may call this stalking but I'm sure it's okay if you are suspicious of your girlfriend cheating.

Sure, I may not have thought I liked her that much in the times we hung out but I guess distance makes you crave something more. And the something is her, sadly.

After ten minutes of observing them, they abruptly get out of their chairs, with Tahlia pulling Vince out of the library by hand. I quietly follow whilst keeping a safe distance.

They round off into an unlit hallway, nearing a wooden door. Janitor's room. Knots tie in my stomach. They enter the room with smirks on their faces. A loud "Ping!" sound goes off, meaning they locked the door. I quickly tiptoe my way to the door, making sure to make the least amout of noise possible.

I tilt my head up to the gap between the wall and the door making sure I can see into the room. And with out a doubt, my suspicions have been proven correct. I hot flame of anger burns inside of me, i clench my fist while trying to hold back tears.

Before I can think i'm on my feet, running through the halls while the sound of my feet hitting the ground echoes off the walls. I run, and run, and run, and run. My lungs burn but I keep going. I have no clue where to go, but it doesn't matter.

Anywhere else is better than here.

— Later —

I abruptly throw my bag against the trunk of the Fall Tree. Sounds of cracks and snaps come from my bag, probably pencil or pens breaking. I punch the trunk, again and again and again until blood drips off of my closed fists.

"Bad day?"

I look up and of all people who I think it would be, it's Phil.

"You don't even know," I say, slumpling down against the tree.

"Tell me about it then."

AY! I hope you liked that chapter, again edited by the amazing: danootnoots . Hope you had a good day anyway byee

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