Chapter 6: Southern Constellations

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"Hey, it's pretty dark now, Phil. You should head home soon." I say, gazing out into the orange-y yellow horizon. 

"Nah, not today. I told mum I'm sleeping over at at PJ's house." Phil says while fiddling with his thumbs. "But I think i'll just have a night to myself. When do you head home?"

"Depends if I even want to go home. But Phil, I don't understand why, out of all the places you could've chosen to stay at, you chose here. It's gonna be freezing at night, trust me. I know." I tell him sternly.

"Well," Phil says, looking very enthusiastic while grabbing his bag, "I brought this!" He exclaims while pulling out a huge blanket that was covered in faces of doges.

"Oh my god." I laugh. "Well prepared, aren't you?"

"Mhm, of course." He nods while pulling out more items from his bag. Picnic mats, snacks, drinks, totoro plushies and basically anything you can think of was in Phil's bag.

"Your bag is basically like Doraemon's pocket, for christ's sake." I say while laughing. "You didn't have to bring this much."

Phil continues pulling out various lollies from his bag like sneakers and nerds before pulling out a whole bucket of maltesers. 

"Ah, can I have some?" I shyly ask.

"Help yourself." Phil said gleefully, holding out the red bucket of happiness.

— Later —

The moon shines upon Phil and I, illuminating the area. The cold air clings at my skin, goosebumps appearing as I had no protection aside from the light jacket I was wearing. Phil sat beside me, wrapped under the blanket with a hot chocolate that we bought earlier from Starbucks. The steam from it rises into the air only to be blown away by the wind.

"Dan?" Phil asks. I nod, indicating that I was listening."You look cold. Come here, it's way more warm." Phil offers, holding up the doge blanket in a welcoming way.

"Oh, ah, no thanks. I'll be fine" I lie, still shivering in my own skin.

"Dan, we both know that's a lie. Come on." 

I reluctantly slip into the blanket beside him and realise how much warmer it is under here. A electric buzz goes through the air from being so close to him. I notice my heart beat speed up but I try to ignore this feeling as best as I can.

"Look." Phil says while pointing up at the sky. I cock my head upwards to find the sky filled with millions and millions of stars, illuminating the whole sky. You could probably find any constellation known to man kind tonight.

"See that? Aries." Phil says while pointing to a specific part of the sky.

"You do know I have no idea where your pointing to when you do that." I chuckle.

"Oh, right. Sorry." Phil laughs while leaning down to receive a metal cylinder from his bag. He presses a black button located at the end of the bullet and a fluorescent green light shoots out. Somehow, the light points straight to the stars so I can see where he was looking.

"W-Whoa.." I gasp. Through the corner of my eye, I can see Phil giggling to himself. "Ok, ok. First of all, that was cool as shit. Second, why do you have one, and, lastly, where the hell do you buy one?"

"Well," Phil says still half laughing "I had a strange obsession with astrology as a kid. I spent too many nights reading books about constellations and astrology. Legit ask me to find any constellation in the sky and I can probably find it. As for this," Phil says holding up his laser tourch thing, "I saw a picture of it in a book and from then on I basically begged my parents for it everyday."

He starts to name out constellations and, honestly, I'm quite impressed. I recognise some from when dad use to take me to the space centre when we use to go to London. But, personally, I never was too interested in that kind of stuff.

I can't concentrate on the stars, though. I can't stop thinking about how cute he looks and how close he is next to me. His hair has gone into waves, making him look so innocent and gentle. I want to hug him but I fight back the urge. I wish I could cuddle with him and listen to him go on about stars all night.

— Later —

I open the familiar rustic looking door to my home. A warm foggy wind hits my face along with the smell of cigarettes and red wine. I step into the hallway that's littered with take away boxes and other pieces of junk. I start walking down the hall, kicking boxes out of the way.

"Where the fuck were you, Daniel?"

I look into the living room to find my mother slumped down on a ripped couch with a red wine bottle.

"Does it matter?" I growled in annoyance, looking away.

"I'm sick of your shit, Daniel! You never give me or your father any respect. We've been looking after you for 15 years and you can't even say thank you for anything we do for you! I'm gonna leave you to live by yourself if you keep going on like this." Mum yelled, half crying. "I wish I never had children." 

"Well, that's not my fault," I mumble 

She starts to full on sob. Mum raises the wine bottle in one hand and swings it into the already recked coffee table, sending splats of red liquid in all directions. That's the fifth time she's done that this year.

I sigh and continue to walk to my bedroom.

Wow we're nearly at 100 reads :0! Thanks so much :)! btw if this chapter seems a bit differently to my style that's becuase my beautiful friend @Danootnoots edited it a bit more than usual so yeah anyway have a gr8 day bye

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