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Crowley paced anxiously... he could be very impatient... finally a figure emerged from the shadows

"Finally you come here..." Crowley hissed angrily, 

"I made you wait? I'm so sorry..." A feminine voice said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Who are you?" He asked impatiently

"I'm Satan," The woman said

"No you're not. Satan isn't a girl,"

"Oh.. he isn't is, he," The woman rushed up to Crowley, grabbed his throat and lifted him three feet off the wood floor, "I assumed this form, Crowley. Thought it would be better to dispatch of some hunters?" She dropped him and he landed on the ground with a thump.

"The Winchesters?" Crowley asked

"No, you hypocrite... someone else..."


Hey guys! This is my new story, if you couldn't tell this is a Supernatural story. Enjoy! Remember to vote and comment!!!!!!!!! Much love- Amora

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