The Hallway

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You know that one hallway? Every school has one, the one that all of the annoying paras always don't want you to go in? No one knows what this suspicious hallway has in store for those who enter it. East Middle School just so happens to have one of these hallways. It's the hallway between the office and the cafeteria, which has the teacher's restrooms in it. It was after lunch one day and Sophia was in a hurry to get to class so she cut through his dreaded hallway. Whilst in there one of the teachers, Mrs. Miller, confronted her...

"Excuse me, what are you doing in this hallway?"

"I'm cutting through this hallway that way I'm not late for class. Now, can you please let me through?" Mrs. Miller stepped aside while saying.

"Alright, just don't come in the hallway ever again..." She went into the women's bathroom. As Sophia was going to leave, she felt an overwhelming surge of dark energy. She shook it off and walked quite quickly to class. After class, Sophia was quite eager to tell her friends about what she just experienced. At the end of the hallway she saw the familiar ginger hair and bow that sat on Regan's head. Sophia approached Regan and recalled the events from earlier.

"Holy crap, you need to tell the others!"Regan said, shocked after Sophia told her what happened.

"Help me find Anjali and Chloe,"

"Alright," They looked through all the 8th grade hallways and could not find either one of them.

"Where the hell are they?" Sophia asked after much frustration. The clock read 2:23

"They might be on the bus, it is the end of the day," Regan responded. But then Regan felt two hands come up from behind and grab her sides. Regan proceeded to scream,"Chloe! Damn you!" Chloe laughed her butt off.

"You jumped! HA!" Chloe said in between laughs.

"It's not funny! Right Sophia?" Sophia was laughing along with Chloe.

"Anyway, you guys were looking for me?"

"Yeah, um, follow me," Sophia led Regan and Chloe to the hallway. Both of them were overwhelmed by the surge of dark energy that burst forth from the restrooms.


"It's coming from the restrooms," Sophia proceeded to open the door to the women's room... only to find... a bathroom! Sophia burst out into a sarcastic scream, "There's nothing," Chloe walked in and turned the light on. It flickered slightly

"That's not a good sign," Chloe said as she pointed to the light. The three of the continued to look around until...

"Found something," Regan said cheerfully, she pointed to a sign carved into the wall behind the toilet.

"Found something," Regan said cheerfully, she pointed to a sign carved into the wall behind the toilet

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"That's the sign of Satan!" Sophia remarked

"Well that would explain the dark energy, Chloe go check the men's room," Regan deduced

"Ugh, why do I always have to check the men's room?" She grumbled as she opened the door.

"Find anything?"

"Yep, got a sign of Leviathan over here," Chloe reached up and rubbed her fingers across it. Meanwhile Sophia went to get a closer look at the sign of Satan and her hand narrowly brushed it.

 Meanwhile Sophia went to get a closer look at the sign of Satan and her hand narrowly brushed it

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"Oh shit!" A bright light shone from the wall in both rooms. The girls were immediately sucked in and started falling down until they hit a new and foreign ground. Chloe sat up, rubbed her head, and looked around.

"Fuck,"Chloe said as she saw the twenty or so demons that surrounded them. One demon stepped forward

"Welcome to hell," The demon said, "I'm Ruby..." She smiled, her eyes glinted in the low and reddish light. Three demons roughly heaved the girls off of the ground. Regan screamed at the demon's touch causing a bottle to shatter. Ruby looked back and smiled.

"We must have a holy presence with us," She smiled very wide as she got in Regan's face, Regan turned away, her eyes were watering, "Well, I think it's time to see the queen, don't you think?" She said to Chloe. The demons holding the girls led them to a open room with a single chair in the center and torches every six feet. On the chair was a singular hooded figure with several demons serving the figure. On the figure's throne was an inverted pentagram. The demons forced the girls down on the ground. Regan screamed again causing one of the torch's flame to ignite and climb up the walls.

"I'm so glad that you could join us today," The hooded figure spoke. All three of them recognised the voice. But where from? The figure approached Regan and lifted her chin, making Regan gaze into her hood, "Bow before your queen," Regan collapsed as the figure smiled, "There's no room for angels on hell," The figure took the hood off to reveal the familiar face of Mary, Sophia and Chloe gasped, "What? You're shocked? You're shocked that I am Satan and rule over hell? Ha, I'm hurt,"

"Holy fucking shit! I'm married to Satan!" Chloe yelled in shock. Mary took a step towards Sophia, her cape flowing behind her.

"Are you shocked, Sophia?" Mary asked, her black eyes flashed with delight

"Kinda, but considering it's you, I'm not really surprised,"

"What do you want with us, Mary?"

"Well, ya see. I knew that you would eventually find the portal and the increase in hunters has been, to put it lightly, annoying."

"You still didn't answer Sophia's question, Mary," Chloe said

"Ah, right," She paced, "Hunters have threatened my existence since I ruled hell. And I decided a long time ago that if I can dispose of hunters then hell won't be threatened anymore,"

"So you want to kill us, how original of you," Sophia snapped under her breath

"Why, we're your friends! I'm your wife! Yo-"

"One of my wives. I have many but you happen to be one of my favorites... Loki..." Mary interrupted Chloe. At the word Loki, a green flash burst from Chloe's eyes and she bore a terrifying grin.

"You called darling?" Chloe said in a English accent that was obviously not her own.

"What the hell Chloe?"

"I'm not Chloe, she may be my daughter but I am not her... I am Loki... of Asgard..."

MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! I'M SO EVIL!!!!!! Vote and comment! Luv ya, bye!

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