Chapter One

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"Uhhh..." Sophia groaned as she walked out of Mrs. Fitzgerald's room. She loved Mrs. Fitzgerald but boy did she give a lot of homework. She adjusted the heavy U.S. History book, binder and, "The Federalist Papers" (a bit of light reading for later). As she did she noticed that a couple of lights in her hallway were flickering. Sophia was a tall, slender and pretty 8th grader at East Middle School. She was relatively popular, in fact one of her friends was bounding down the hallway, her partner in crime you could say... Chloe...

"Sofa, we've got one," Sophia's face was struck with determination and worry for she knew of course what Chloe was talking about. 

"Who?" She asked

"His name is Drew Collins, jerk extraordinaire," Chloe explained the rest of the details as they both walked towards their lockers. Drew Collins walked past the two girls, Sophia's hand flew towards her pencil case... inside was the usual pencils, pens, and erasers but also a container of Rock Salt and another container of holy water. Chloe, who was closest to Drew whispered 'Christo'. Sophia hear this and immediately looked at Drew who of course flinched at the sound and turned to look at the pair.

"Bingo," Chloe remarked. Drew turned and ran through the halls. The girls ran after him, down one hallway and down the next. Suddenly, a foot flew out of no where and tripped the girls. Chloe fell to the ground and Sophia went to help her up...

"Damn it... we lost him" Chloe remarked, she didn't care if a teacher heard her. 

"Chloe..." Sophia replied giving a disappointed look

"What Sophia? We've known each other for a while and with me and all of your other friends combined, we make Adele look like a god damn harp strumming angel. Besides..." Chloe looked at the teacher behind them, "Do they look like they give a shit?"

"No, I guess not. We'll have to catch him later. You have your bible right?" Sophia asked

"No... I left it in my locker," She replied and of course got a look from Sophia.

"Why are you such a smart ass all the time?" 

"Whoa... Sophia Abrams? Swearing? I thought there would be snow in august before that happened... any way..." The girls passed by one of the many clocks in the school," Oh shit! I have to go get my stuff," Chloe ran off and they both, miraculously, made it to class on time.

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