Falling Up

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With one hand in Chloe's, Harry lead the girls to an "emergency exit". It actually had an exit sign but under it, it had a sign that stated 'Haha, you'll never survive up there. Fat chance!' in comic sans. Chloe muttered under her breath,
"Who even uses Comic Sans anymore?" No one heard her. Harry went to open the "emergency exit" and he tugged and tugged but to no avail. The door did not move.
"Damn it," Sophia said as she slumped against the wall next to the door. Meanwhile, Chloe had out a small black bag and was digging through it furiously. The contents clinked against each other and sounded like rocks banging together. Regan walked over using the wall to support herself,
"What is that?" Regan asked curiously while she propped herself against the wall, breathing heavily. Chloe pulled out a small stone tile with a rune carved into it. She then showed it to Regan, pressed it up against the door and muttered something. The door clicked open.
"Runes, never leave home without 'em," Chloe said with a smile as she walked through the door.
Regan gasped as pain seared through her arms where she had touched the wall.

"Yep, not doing that again," Regan said as Sophia went to give her support. Sophia looked at her and said,

"So, you're an angel?"

"Yep," Regan said with a sigh as they both walked through the exit

"And you didn't tell us?"

"To be perfectly honest, I couldn't remember myself. But now everything is returning to me." A clanging noise echoed behind the group and they all spun around to look at what had made the noise,

"You see anything?" Harry asked

"Nope," Chloe responded, "Come on, Regan's getting pretty weak,"

"Do you know any healing spells, Child Snatcher?" Sophia asked Chloe with a sneer,

"Maybe, Poptart Stealer," Chloe snapped back

"Hey, I didn't steal your dad's poptarts!" Sophia retorted

"And didn't steal any children!" Regan looked at Chloe with an 'oh really' look, "It was one time! Okay, maybe three. Wait, no, six! That's the number I'm sticking with, six. And none of them was you alright!" Chloe said raising her voice slightly.

"Guys!" Regan interjected, "This is not the place for a fight! We can deal with this once we're out of this hell hole,"

"Hehe puns," Harry said under his breath

"Oh yes Midgard, that horrible failure of a realm. The only reason I'm there is because of a stuck up child of Thor who likes to be rude and lie..." Chloe said to herself

"Oh that's funny coming from a daughter of Loki, the god of mischief and lies who is out for all he can ste-" Sophia was cut off by the sound of a bottle breaking

"Shit, what was that?" Harry asked

"It doesn't matter, we need to get out of here," Chloe stated. Unaware to the party, a cloud of sentient, black smoke rose up behind them and stayed in the shadows, silently following them out and up. The many flights of stairs seemed to drag on forever. Sophia had great difficulty helping Regan up the stairs but thankfully Chloe stepped in to help. The winding stairs finally let up to a long drop in which Harry almost fell down to his apparent death.

"Shit!" He yelled as some rocks crumpled beneath his weight, falling into the abyss. Chloe reached out and prevented him from falling. As Chloe looked down, her eyes widened. She had an idea.

"Guys, I know where we are!"

"Are we close at least?" Regan asked

"If I'm right, yes," she stepped behind Regan and Sophia and pushed them into the abyss. They screamed as gravity pulled them further and further down until there was no trace of the two girls. Chloe couldn't help herself but let out a sinister giggle.

"Babe, what the hell?"

"Just wait," she said with a smile. Soon a ball of flailing arms, legs, and screams was floating up around the couple, "Hello," Chloe said, her smile wider and a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"What the fuck?" Regan asked while she floated next to Sophia. She had a very stern and confused look on her. Chloe took one look at her and started laughing wildly.

"Hahahahaha!!! Your faces!!!! Puddin, look at their faces. Priceless!" Chloe said to Harry in between laughs.

"Yeah yeah yeah, very funny, you could've killed us!!!" Sophia said sarcastically and very unamused.

"But I didn't!!!" Chloe said, still laughing.

"Shut up," Sophia snapped

"Or what? Ya gonna fight me bro? Huh? Huh? Fight me! Wimp! Be a demigod and fight me!!!!" She said as she dabbed, "Oh gods that was horrible, remind me never to do that again,"

"So why are we just floating here?" Regan asked

"Oh, I thought you'd be used to flying, little miss Charlie's Angel," Sophia teased

"Wow, such salt," Harry commented

"Guys? Stop arguing! We need to get back to Earth!" Regan yelled, she was quite frustrated. Chloe sighed and said

"Fine, we'll settle this on Midgard. Come on Harry," She said as she pushed Harry off. Then, she jumped after him. They fell for what seemed  quite awhile until they were falling up. The black smoke followed in the shadows, none of them had a clue. They floated further and further up until they could see tile and they resurfaced right in... the Women's staff bathroom at East Middle School where a poor Mrs. Fitzgerald sat, doing her business, well until the heads of four students appeared through the wall in which case she flipped her shit, quite literally flipped her shit. The students felt terrible and rushed out after Chloe performed a memory spell on the startled teacher. Surprisingly, no time had passed since they left and they rushed to their means of transport home.However, Anjali, who was walking past, saw the group and ran after them... right past the Staff bathrooms where a tyre of black smoke was waiting patiently. It lunged towards her, knocking her against the while it entered her body. Anjali thrashed around wildly but to no avail. She opened her eyes to look at her reflection, she was fine other than a cut on her forehead and pitch black eyes...

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