Chapter Two

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 The day went relatively slow until lunch when Regan, a very good friend of Sophia and Chloe's walked into the normal chaos that can be only described by two terrifying words... the cafeteria... Regan walked to the usual lunch table and set her stuffed binder on the gray, boring lunch table. Soon, however, Regan knew it would soon be filled with the usual swearing and death threats typical for her (lack of a better word) unique group of friends. Regan was a bright and bubbly girl with curly red hair cut into a bob usually held back by her trademark bow headband. She was tall and slender and quite fun to be around. She lit up the room when ever she walked in, ironic for a person training to combat the darkness that seeps into the world from hell beneath. There is hardly an Anime or Pokemon game that Regan can't strike up a conversation about. She looked at the entrance to the cafeteria watching the eb and flow of 8th grade, looking for one of her friends, Anjali Asmani. Anjali was a Disney and Hamilton loving 8th grader who sat across from Chloe and next to Sophia.This table had very strict seating arrangements and those who didn't follow it were either shunned, sweared at or pushed out of the seat.

This table had very strict seating arrangements and those who didn't follow it were either shunned, sweared at or pushed out of the seat

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 However this day, four of those people were missing because of the current demon incident at hand. Each of these four individuals bring a certain flair to the hunt. Anjali brought the power of friendship, Regan brought crucifixes and similar items, Sophia has several incantations memorized and Chloe brought traps and weapons which usually come in handy on hunts. Now, you are probably wondering who else sits at this table. Well, there is Mary (Chloe's best friend since kindergarten and "wife"), Elijah (gaming and fallout four enthusiast), Aidan (loves to pick on Mary much to Chloe's dismay also a demon), Harry (dinosaur geek and regular geek also a demon), Joey (not one word that comes out of his mouth is not a swear word), Alice (imagine a little, no, a lot worse than Joey, if she is not swearing at you... something is wrong) and Sophia, Regan, Anjali and Chloe. This group is a very unique group. No one knows why there are two demons, that is just the way it is at East Middle school and no one questions it...

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