Lunch Time

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The school was safe for now from the Djinn and what time is it?


The lunch table was full with people and yelling... Chloe was waiting in the lunch line, Mary was also in line, and Aidan was in Mary's seat. Harry looked over at Aidan...

"Dude, you're fucked!" Mary came running towards Aidan and glared at him,

"Get out of my seat bitch," Mary ordered

"No," Aidan responded

"Bitch what?"

"I said, no I'm not going to get out of your seat" This made Mary very angry and she set her stuff down on the lunch table in front of Aidan and sat on his lap. This caused Aidan to of course get up very suddenly,



"You're an asshole,"

"Are you sure about that? Chloe, am I an asshole?" Mary asked

"No, Aidan's the asshole. Wait, no... That was too kind... he's a little bitch!" Chloe responded

"Chloe, shut the fuck up you son of a bitch,"

"Actually how can I be a son of a bitch when I am a girl,"

"Fine, you're a bitch,"

"Not a female dog,"


"I'm a virgin,"

"You're an asshole..."


"Because all you talk is shit!!" Chloe responded by giving him a high five and saying 'good one'. Aidan returned to his assigned seat and Alice stood up...

"Okay everyone, I have come to a realization... do you all realize that we are just annoying little motherfuckers?" Words of confirmation rang out from everyone else...

"You know? Have you ever thought about having sex with a toaster? I kind of think it would be fun..." Aidan commented.

"First of all what the fuck Aidan? And second of all... What the fucking hell Aidan?" Alice asked

"The fuck?" Harry commented

"What the fucking shit was that about Aidan?!?!" Joey yelled

"Aidan... I hope the next time you have sex with a toaster... I hope it's plugged in!" Chloe interjected and laughter rang out from the group.

"Hey there toaster boy!" Anjali teased. Aidan looked quite embarrassed that he brought the whole thing up. This was just one of the antics that went on that lunch time. Including when the entire table burst into Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen and got in trouble. Their demon issues were over... for now....

Swear count: 21

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