The Special Hell

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 Sophia's eyes widen and she struggled as Mary laughed,

"Realease her," Mary said to the demon that was restraining Chloe. The demon obeyed and Chloe stood and looked around,

"You've redecorated," Loki said

"What do you think?" She asked putting her hands together

"It's very... red. Would it kill you to put some green in there? Or gold?" Loki commented

"Hell is supposed to be scary, not a christmas party! If it was, we'd have a population that would challenge heaven. Not that there's anything wrong with that but... you know what I mean hun?" She explained

"Of course dear,"

"Now, what are we going to do with them?" Mary asked, gesturing towards Sophia and Regan

"Oh right, the angel and the demigod," Sophia looked puzzled, "Yes, you, Sophia daughter of Thor. Your father was so proud the day you were born. I could see how much he loved you, so I sent you to Midgard." She smirked

"Why? How dare you?" Sophia furiously asked

"He stole my poptarts, I had to get back at him somehow. And then I tried to take over New York and that went... wonderfully... I got thrown in jail by your father and then I had no way to keep my eye on you so I sent my daughter to watch you. I possess her body from time to time. Yes, all of those weird murderous outbursts, calling everyone mortal and inferior."

"That was you?"

"Yep," She turned to Mary, "I'll take her, do yo-"

"Mary!" Loki got interrupted by Harry, the dinosaur geek and regular geek from school who is also a demon, "Sorry for intruding but the Winchesters have been spotted."

"What are you doing here?" Mary asked Harry, "Shouldn't you be reporting to Lucifer?"

"Hello Harry, well dear I best be off but before I go," She walked up and gave Mary a hug and a kiss and then Chloe's eyes flashed green again,

"Woah, head rush. So yeah, asgardian, demigod, that's my daddy... that you just met." A green light flashed next to Harry and it revealed Loki

"She likes you," Loki said, leaning on Harry's shoulder

"Dad, can you please get out of here?" Chloe tried to pull the reflection of Loki off of Harry while Loki was laughing,

"She does, you know he likes you too right? It's painfully obvious even a mortal could figure it out. It's perfect, a demigod and a Knight of Hell," He make the 'ok' symbol with his hand and pushed Chloe towards Harry, "Good luck Amora," Loki disappeared and Harry put his arm around Chloe's shoulder.

"Hi," Harry said

"Oh get a room you two! You're both 14!"

"Actually I'm 7,856, so..."

"Enough talk! Aeshma, Malthus, Ruby, grab them and take them away," The three demons roughly grabbed Sophia and Chloe and dragged an uncounious Regan off of the floor. The three demons put the three girls into a cell, locked the door and walked away. Meanwhile Harry talked to Mary,

"Why are you doing this, Mary? They are your friends."

"It's necessary, you should understand that,"

"Wow, do you want to play a game?" Harry asked

"Do I look to be in a gaming mood?"

"Yes, alright I'm going to give three names and you choose who is the biggest heartless asshole that betrays people. Queen Mary, The Emperor, and Stephen Moffat. Or Queen Mary, Rupert Murdoch, and Donald Trump."

"Umm, Stephen Moffat and Donald Trump. Who's Rupert Murdoch?"

"He owns Fox and they canceled Firefly. Those were rhetorical question by the way. The point is you're the biggest, most heartless, god forsaken asshole that I've ever met."

"Oh stop it! Of course I'm god forsaken, I'm Satan for fuck's sake! You're just overprotective because you want to bang her!" Mary shouted, "You're dismissed," As Harry was walking away he said,

"Fuck you," Harry walked out of the throne room and went to find the girls. The hallways of Hell twist and turn, it's easy for the uninitiated to find themselves endlessly wandering the halls not finding anything. Harry expertly navigated the halls until he reached the girls. Meanwhile, Regan had regained consciousness but was still very weak. Chloe and Sophia were filled with questions...

"You're an angel? Why didn't you tell us?"Sophia asked Regan

"I forgot, it just recently came back to me,"

"Oh you're one to talk Sophia! Why didn't you tell me that you were a demigod?" Chloe yelled at Sophia

"Why didn't you tell me that YOU were a demigod? You're 7, 856? That's the type of thing that one tells their friends!" Sophia rebundled, "And Regan, how could you forget such a thing?"

"I promised my father I wouldn't tell no matter what happened," Chloe responded

"I had no recollection, well a little, but nothing really," Regan said. Harry was down the hall when he heard the girls arguing, he ran to their cell and proceeded to unlock it.

"Harry!" Chloe said and ran up to embrace him

"Hey gorgeous, guys, I know a way out. Follow me"...

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