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(Words italicised are spoken in whatever language is in parenthesis at the top of the chapter, this chapter is French)

"Killer Shadow, glad to finally meet you." M'sieur Jones whispers into my ear. "How did an innocent little girl like you get stuck in all of this?"

I spit at him. "Innocent?" My smile widens. "You think me innocent?" I twirl my hand and watch as his head spins around. Blood seeped from his mouth. I walk outside, hailing a cab. I pull out my phone and call my client. "It is done." I say, quickly ending the call. I arrive home and change out of my skin tight black outfit. Staring in the mirror I take in my appearance. My charcoal coloured hair and pecan coloured eyes not what most attention is drawn to. No, where all eyes are drawn to are the non-healing scars lining my otherwise light beige torso, the ones my father left behind. One of my fingers trails one of the longer scars. A tear slipped through my eyelids as  I remember that night.

Dad was exceedingly mad that night, and beyond drunk. He had a small flicker on his finger as he trailed a new scar on my body, tearing through my clothes, making me scream. Abruptly, Andre, my boyfriend, knocked down the door. His sea green eyes widened upon seeing my burnt shirt. Catching sight of him, my Dad threw a flame at him. He let out a cry as the flame grazed his  pale skin, leaving a burn across it.

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