Chapter 2

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"Glad to know you made the right choice. I'm Agent Crowell." The smaller guy tells me. "This is Agent Davidson, your new partner." Agent Davidson holds out a scarily pale hand. I shake it and shiver at the coldness that is his body temperature. "Davidson, show her to the briefing room, you two have a mission already. Commander Maier is waiting for you."

"Thank you Sir, see you later." Davidson says right away. He walks away and I follow. As we're walking together down the hall I try to make small talk.

"So," I start, "Agent Davidson, do you have a first name?" I ask awkwardly. Most of my normal human confrontation ended in killing someone, so it was weird knowing that I wouldn't kill him in the end.

"Andre." I tense, knowing exactly how I knew him now.

"Can I see your left forearm?" I ask. He looks at me strangely.

"Do you ask everyone that?" He responds.

"Yes." I reply sarcastically. He moves up his sleeve and reveals a reddened area, exactly where my Dad had hit my Andre long ago. "Is it really you?" I ask, my sight blurring with tears.

"Kendra, you're the reason I joined this organization. I thought that with all your Dad had done you wouldn't use magic, if you had any, for bad." He took in a deep breath. "I wanted to stop people like your Dad from abusing magic, he was abusing you. Do you know why he did that to you?"

"Yes, the time you walked in, he was hurting me because he found out about us. He thought you were a distraction from my training." I paused. "Though he did hurt me multiple times before that, every time I would mess up, or he was just angry about something. It's how I grew up." We reached a door and Andre opened it for me. Before me stood a man in another suit, his skin was tanned and he had scars along his face.

"Agent Davidson." The man greeted.

"Sir." Andre saluted.

"Firebane is at it again. Four more buildings burnt to crisps. We believe he's in Italy, find him with your new partner. She might not last if she kills anyone in this mission." I stare at him.

"What if they attack me?" I ask.

"Then you wound them, you don't kill." He orders, I assume he's Commander Maier. "If you do kill, you will be sent to jail." I tense, if I ended up in jail my Dad might find me. "You'll find a jet waiting to take you to Rome, we have arranged your hotel room, two beds, one room. Keep in contact and return if you don't find him in two weeks." Andre salutes and I salute as well, thinking it might be proper. I follow Andre out of the room and we jog to the jet. Once inside the aircraft, we buckle in our seats before we take off.

"Andre can you promise me something?" I ask once we're in the air.

"Anything." He replies.

"If I do kill someone, kill me. I can't go to jail, I'd be in one place for too long and my father could find me. If he finds me, it's a fate worse than death." I beg looking at the ground.

"Kendra, I don't think I can-"

"You said anything."

"Fine, but I won't be happy about it." He says stubbornly. "I have a question for you."

"What?" I ask glancing up at him before returning my gaze to the floor.

"Was there anyone after me?" He asks, his curiosity getting the best of him.

"You were my first love and my last, every guy I met with after ended with them dead." I tell him truthfully. "Was there anyone after me?"

"Not really," he replies, "No one stayed after they saw my scar."

"I'm sorry, I really am." I apologize sincerely.

"I still love you." He whispers.

"What?" I inquire hearing his confession. "How? My Dad hurt you, I kept secrets from you, how could you possibly still love me?"

"I know why you did it, and I understand. The scar isn't from you, Kendra, it's from your Dad." He tells me kindly. He reaches out and puts a hand on my forearm. "What happened after I left?" I could tell he actually wanted to know, he wasn't just making small talk.

"Three years ago, the incident occurred, and two weeks later I ran away. My Dad has been searching for me ever since, that's why I can't stay in the same place for too long. I became an assassin because it's all I knew how to do, and I couldn't stay around for an actual job or career." I tell him. The talking ended there.

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