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I was driving through traffic to get to Mark's house. I see something in the distance. "What the hell is that!?" As the object came closer to me to see it was a car coming towards me!! "Oh Shit!" I turned my car so I won't get got by the other car. I thought the horror was over but it was not over, I looked head of me. "Ahhhhhhhhh!!!" (CRASH!)
~Mark's P.O.V.~
I was getting really worried about Jack at this point. "Should I call Jack to see how he is making out?" (ring,ring) (voice mail) "That's strange Jack did not answer his phone. I sat on the couch and then I heared knocking at my door. "Coming." I opened the door and Wade and Bob were at my door. "Hi guys I thought you guys were coming tonight?" Bob: "Change of plans Mark." "Why what happened?" Wade went in living room and turned on the news on the tv. "Wade you know that I don't watch the damn news!" Wade just looked at me. Wade: "I watch the damn news Mark!" Then Bob went in the living room and sat on the couch. I followed and sat on the floor. (News) "There was a terrible accident by route 68." Wade: "Oh My God!" Bob: "That's horrible hopefully they are ok." "Yeah me to Bob." (News) "Just in that they found the name of the driver in the accident." "His name is Sean McLoughlin ." Me and Wade and Bob jumped up and looked at each other. Mark,Bob,Wade: "WE HAVE TO GO TO THE SCENE NOW!" All of is went in the car and rushed at the scene. Aaron is at the scene already. Me and Bob and Wade ran to Aaron. Bob: "Aaron where is Sean?" Aaron: " He still in the car Bob." I blotted to the front of the crowd. I leaned over the tape and saw Jack in front seat of car passed out.
~Jack P.O.V~
I see is darkness and hearing people talking in my ear. I started to come back to the real world. "Mr.McLoughlin can you hear me?" (shining a flashlight in my face) I looked around and I nodded. "Mr. McLoughlin you are going to be alright ok." I missed as they helped me out of the my car. The EMTs put me on the flat bed. I looked around the crowd and something caught my eye. It was Mark in shock. I put my hand up to the EMTs to stop in front of Mark. "Mark." (In painful tone) Mark: "Jack I am so sorry." (In tears) They took me away after I talked to Mark and put me in the ambulance. Mark: "Jack I am sorry." (crying, as the ambulance was driving away)
Cliffhanger !!!
Is Jack going to be alright?

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