The big fight or love

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~Jack's P.O.V~
After one day I went home with Mark. I was still in pain but I was feeling fine. Mark: "So Jackaboy are we going to let Felix and Ken about us dating?" I just looked at him with a stare like he was nuts. "Why?!" Mark: "It's ok Jackarooney." "I can walk but I have a cast on my leg Mark!" Mark: "I will call Ken and pewds over ok." I nodded as Mark walked away to the phone. I put in my headphones and fell asleep on the couch.
~Mark's P.O.V~
I called Felix first on the phone.
Pewds: "hello"
Mark:"hey Felix"
Pewds:"It been so long I had talk to you Mark!" "So how you been man?"
Mark: "Great Felix thanks for asking."
Pewds: "how's Jack Mark?"
Mark: " He was in a car crash earlier in the week...."
Pewds: "Oh My God!" "Is Jack ok?!"
Mark: "Yeah he's fine, just broken leg that's all."
Pewds: "He is lucky that he is alive and nothing else bad happened to him,"
Mark: "Yeah..can you come over to my house Felix."
Pewds: "ok Mark."
Mark:"See ya in little bit." (hangs up) *dails Ken's number*
Ken: *picks up the phone* "Hey Mark what's up?"
Mark: " Nothing much Ken."
Ken:"How's Jack?"
Mark:" Well, Jack broke his leg, but he is ok now."
Ken: "That's good Mark."
Mark: "Can you come over to my house Ken?"
Ken:" Sure Mark!"
Mark: "Ok Ken see ya in little bit!" *hangs up*
I am so scared to tell Ken and Felix about me and Jack. What they think of me? "Don't worry about it, they are still my friends." I went over to Jack and he was sleeping. Then I heard knocking on the door it was Felix and Ken at the door.
"Come in guys."
Ken saw Jack sleeping on the couch.
Ken: "How long he going to stay in a cast for?" I looked up at Ken."I don't know Ken." Felix: "What did you have to tell us Mark?" I looked down and took a deep breath, and looked back up at Ken and Felix. "Me and Jack are.."
Felix: "Are what?" Ken looked at Felix and then back at Mark. "Me and Jack are dating." Felix was happy for Mark and Jack. Ken walked up to Mark.
Ken:" you know you are going to get hate on this Mark." "I know Ken."
~four hours later~
Ken and Felix left and Jack woke up. "Hey Jack you are awake." Jack:" yeah, Mark can you make dinner for me please." "Okay Jackaboy." Jack started to blush when he said that. Mark came back with Jack's food in his hands. "Here you go Jack." I kissed Jack on the cheek. I turned around and saw Jack blushing alot. I went to my recording room. "Hello everybody my name is Markiplier!" "I have been taking care of Jack because he was in a car crash earlier in the week." Jack: "Top of the mornin to ya laddies!" "I will start unloading videos again when I can get back on my feet." I looked at Jack. "Is there anything else we should say Jack?" Jack: "Oh yeah, you fangirls out there, Shipping me and Mark together, it finally happened!" I smiled and give Jack a kiss on the lips. (Both at the same time) SEPTIPLIER AWAY!! The comments is going crazy with me and Jack dating!

What is going to happened to Jack and Mark? Are they going to fight or take it to the next level?
Song- Septiplier Away by Robert IDK

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