Chapter 3 ~ The Fight-No Movie Night

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Charlie's POV:

I was eating breakfast when Brady started barking. There was someone outside, he had tattoos all over his arms and he had a black band around his forehead. I got up from checking Twitter, and went to the door, Brady snarling. I carefully open the door and stare at the man. "Uh, hello?" I ask, my scarred eyebrow lifting up in suspicion. He punched his hand and held it. "Can I have some money?" He asked, his mustache furrowing. "No, man! I don't know you!" I say to him, slamming the door in his face. He just opened it back up before I could lock it. "Gimme your money, superstar." He growled. "Brady.. Come!" I yell, before zipping behind me and racing upstairs, Brady growling and running after me. I the man followed both of us, yelling and screaming threatening things about beating me up. I threw a lamp at him and opened my closet in my room once I reached it and the man fell with a thud down stairs. "Brady, go get him. Just don't get hurt, please boy." I beg my dog, looking for the bat I hide in my closet. Then Brady snarls and barks and runs downstairs, screaming and howling then starting.

"Found it," I mutter, grabbing the bat and hiding behind a corner. It's for your own good, whoever you are. I think as Brady leads him upstairs and I smack him in the face with a bat. The person falls unconscious and I breath heavily, sweating with fear. "Good boy Brady!" I yell in happiness, hugging my dog tightly. Then I call 911 to take the crazy man away and decide to take a relaxing nap. I'll pay for the lamp later.. Heh. I thought, walking into my room, exhausted.

Meghan's POV:

I call as many neighbors Charlie has to see what happened this afternoon. Did a robbery happen? Did he fight off bad people? What happened? I ask in my head. "Come on, pick up. He has to be okay," I say, "I don't want to bother him right now so.." I mutter. Then one of his neighbors answer. "Hello?" The phone asks. "Hi, um do you know what happened to your neighbor Charlie Puth?" I ask. "No, sorry," The person answers, hanging up. "Ugh," I moan. I prop myself onto the couch and take a stressed nap. I really hope he's alright.. I kept worrying until I worried myself to sleep.

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