Chapter 5 ~ A Day of Caring

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Meghan's POV:

The next morning I woke up to Charlie's face and his casted arm resting on a pillow. I got up and made the bed. Then changing my clothes with the suitcase I packed. Charlie payed for his lamp yesterday after the doctor visit so glass wasn't everywhere anymore. His stitching was tonight at 7pm. And the rest of the day, I had to take care of him. I sighed and made him pancakes, then brushing my teeth. I clapped my hands at him in the bedroom and he groaned, "5 more minutes.. You dumb alarm," I slanted my eyebrows. "Up and Adam, smart guy." I tell him, throwing his blankets off and almost laughed to death. You could've at least put a shirt on, I thought.

Charlie groaned and opened his eyes. "You called me a 'dumb alarm'. So dumb alarm yourself and get up!" I said to him when he opened his eyes. He yawned and I helped him up, then helping him downstairs to sit down and eat. I handed his fork to his working hand, and I sliced up his pancake so it wouldn't be hard.


Charlie's POV:

I was nervous when Meghan helped me into the car and we drove off to the hospital. This is another thing to be stitched besides my eyebrow—my arm. Which would look pretty cool but stupid at times.

I was unconscious the whole stitching time, and I came out with another cast on and Meghan had to take care of me until the scar fully healed. I sighed. This would be an exciting next few days.

When I played with Brady, I honestly could only play fetch. Other things included pulling and toughness and that wasn't allowed. It was boring and I hated it. But at least I still got to play with my dog.

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