A Description of The Nation of Panem

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The Capitol
Major Industries: Pleasure and Entertainment
This is where it all begins in Panem, with the dazzling and extravagant Capitol, which serves as the nations' official seat of government and the home of many of the country's elite and wealthy citizens.

However, underneath the glamour and decadence, there lies a disturbing, dark side to this city's history, most notably with the cruelty and evil of the Hunger Games. And make no mistake, this nation's longtime leader, President Coriolanus Snow is not someone to cross.

District One

Major Industries: Career Training, Luxury Products, Cosmetology, and Jewelry

District One is one of the wealthiest districts in all of Panem, and it isn't difficult to see why, as it provides the Capitol with all of its furs, fine jewels, feathers, glimmer, and gloss. This is also a district from which a majority of Careers (those who have trained their whole lives for the Hunger Games) reside. This District was once home to such victors as Cashmere and her brother, Gloss.

District Two

Major Industries: Career Training, Masonry, and Military

District Two, another one of the wealthier districts, has also turned out a number of its own lethal Career tributes, many of which have made it as legendary victors. And where would the Capitol be without those who dedicate their lives to build the luxurious mansions or their loyal Peacekeepers? Hailing from District Two were victors Brutus and Enobaria (with the scary sharp teeth) among others.

District Three

Major Industries: Technology and Medicine

The home district of the intellectual Wiress Goodwin and Beetee Latier, those in District Three are the sole providers of technology and with this technology, innovation and entertainment both for the Capitol.

District Four

Major Industries: Fishing and Career Training

The home district of the elderly Mags Flanagan, Annie Cresta, and the legendary Finnick Odair, who was crowned the youngest ever victor of the Hunger Games at fourteen.

District Four is a tropical district by the sea, which makes sense, since all of the delicious fish and succulent seafood often consumed in the Capitol had to be caught by the fishermen of Panem. (It's not like any of those loathsome Capitol people would have ever dreamed of doing any of the real work for themselves). Many of the country's noted Careers have also been born and raised here.

District Five

Major Industries: Electricity and Nuclear Power

Electricity is very important to this nation in order for it to survive and function, and in District Five dwell the power plants, hydro-electric dams, and the power plant workers of Panem.

District Six

Major Industries: Aviation and Transportation

District Six also plays its own critical part in the overall survival of this futuristic nation, and the Capitol, since transportation is needed to ship products and produce from the districts to the Capitol. Strangely enough, the residents of District Six do not have much enthusiasm for transportation. But perhaps it's not so strange, given the terrible things that the Capitol has undoubtedly done to them as much as most in the other districts.

District Seven

Major Industries: Lumber and Carpentry

The wooded seventh district of Panem is responsible for providing the Capitol with its precious supplies of lumber for some indoor heating or building purposes. It is one of the poorer districts, with the majority of its citizens suffering under the cruel cycle of oppression, overwork with little pay, and poverty. For the bitter and disillusioned Hunger Games victor Johanna Mason, District Seven is home.

District Eight

Major Industries: Textiles and Sweatshops

Another one of the poorer districts of Panem, Eight's major industry is textiles, which provides much of the materials needed to clothe the citizens of the Capitol.

District Nine

Major Industries: Grain Farming, Grain Milling, Factory Produced Baked Goods, and Breweries.

Alyssa Whitestone and Noah Linwood hail from District Nine, which is mainly prairie land where the wheat of Panem is grown and harvested and milled into refined white flour, or other grains are gathered mostly for the Capitol. Alyssa's parents were both taken away and executed when Alyssa was only four years old, and she has since lived as just another unloved child in a seemingly neverending orphan population of unwanted children. That is, until the reaping day of Alyssa's seventeenth year.

District Ten

Major Industries: Livestock Farming, Meats, and Cheesemaking

The livestock farmers of Panem are a lot like the farmers of the old Frontier. Tough, hardworking, and strengthened by the work expected of most of them. They slave under the constant everyday threat of lashes and beatings to provide the Capitol with meat and dairy products, and the Capitol feasts, most with nary a care that most people in Ten aren't even allowed much of this food, and many are consequently starving.

District Eleven

Major Industry: Agriculture

Eleven is even poorer than Ten, with hundreds of its citizens mired in debt or in poverty. But the Capitol has to eat, so the District Eleven farmers are expected to provide the crops of vegetables or fruits from the orchards, or suffer dire consequences.

District Twelve

Major Industries: Coal Mining

With a long standing and depressing reputation as the poorest and least recognized district in Panem, District Twelve citizens are divided into two classes. The merchants and healers, who are only slightly better off at best, and the coal miners and destitutes of the Seam. That is, until Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark were reaped, survived, and everything finally began to change as war across Panem, and against the Capitol, erupted.

District Thirteen

Location: Unclear

Long believed to have been destroyed by the Capitol as a cruel reminder to the other Districts of what could happen if they step out of line, District Thirteen had in fact survived for seventy-five years since, hidden underground. Though due to an influenza epidemic, hundreds were lost, a staggering number being only children.

But Thirteen were largely military, as Colonel Boggs put it, so they learned to survive underground under the leadership of President Coin, and have been waiting for several decades for the most opportune time to strike back at the Capitol with its own deathly blows.

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