Chapter Ten: The Last Night

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Once I am backstage, I watch Jeremy's interview on the television screen.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Let's hear it for Jeremy Forbes!" Caesar says loudly, once again with that stupid laugh. Jeremy struts with obvious self-confidence onto the stage and takes his seat before even waiting for Caesar to tell him to be seated.

"Good evening to you all in the Capitol and across Panem, and to you Caesar, my main man." Jeremy says. Caesar says, "My, my, I can see that someone is nothing short of thrilled to be here. Jeremy, I won't beat around the bush since our time here is limited. Alyssa Whitestone, I think you and I can agree, is a remarkable young lady, and very desirable. Is there anything going on between the two of you, possibly romantic?"

Jeremy doesn't waste any time in answering. "Are you kidding me? I wouldn't be interested in an orphan like her no matter what she looks like, nor what small talents she possesses. Her parents were criminals, and you know what they say, the apple never falls far from the tree.

If you thought this was possible because of how we were presented at the Tribute Parade six days ago, I'm afraid you've been mistaken. Though I'm sure that's not very often the case. Everyone thinks she's special, a shoe-in for the victory, but everyone knows how luck runs out fast in the Hunger Games. She might as well face the fact that she's basically fodder for getting slaughtered in that arena. No, Caesar, I don't like her and I doubt anyone else here really does. It's all just for the show."

"Oh, alas. But no matter, it was simply a matter of curiosity. My next question is, how are you finding things here in the Capitol?"

"Oh, this place is nothing at all like back home. I personally am very relieved to be able to say so. I never thought there would be a day when I could say I was able to leave Nine. But now that I'm here, I intend to fight in that arena, to the death if that's the way it has to be of course, but preferably for the glory of victory."

"One more question. Say you were to win these Games. For the sake of yourself and your loved ones, could we then depend on your complete and undying loyalty in all matters, small and monumental, from that day forward?" Caesar then asks Jeremy.

And Jeremy then says smugly, "Count on it. I will always be an ally. You see, there can only ever be one winner, one person who survives, and the rest are all losers. The rest we will have to say goodbye to. But every victory must come at the expense of sacrifice. I am determined and confident that I won't dissapoint you, unlike some of the weaker tributes."

"I wouldn't doubt it." Caesar replies, and the buzzer goes off. "Well, it looks like goodbye Jeremy. I wish you the best of luck in the arena."

"Thank you Caesar."

They both stand and Caesar yells to the crowd, "Jeremy Forbes!" And they all applaud for Jeremy one more time before he leaves the stage for the District Ten tributes to have their turns.

As soon as I see Jeremy, I begin to yell at him. "Who the hell do you think you are you little twerp?! It's not enough to insult me, my family, and District Nine in front of the Careers, you have to make me look bad in front of the whole country too? You  are a---"

"What's going on in here?" Noah asks as he just walks in on the scene, and it is only Thelonius and Demetra holding me back that prevents me from punching every inch of Jeremy I can possibly reach.

"Enough, both of you!" Noah says angrily. "Alyssa, you know that it is forbidden to fight unless you are in the arena. So I suggest you calm down before you get into some serious trouble."

Then Noah turns on Jeremy. "And you are cutting it very close yourself Forbes. I know this is the Hunger Games but you don't have to keep on being an arrogant prick who always has to take your petty jealousy out on Alyssa."

"Oh I don't Linwood? Because the way I see it, I think of it as a means of survival. The people in the Capitol seem to like 'an arrogant prick' as you call me. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you have feelings for Alyssa of Nine. Feelings that are not considered appropriate for a mentor to have of any tribute. I thought it was forbidden, isn't it?"

"Jeremy really! Why would Noah even think about such things, it's preposterous, he knows well what's at stake for a mentor! Oh, let's all just forget about this matter and head back to the District Nine living quarters. I'm sure this is because you're both very tired. We all are. Come along, and no more fighting." Henrietta says to us both firmly. "Honestly, manners are not all that difficult to use."

And I follow the others silently to the elevator, deciding to stay as far away as possible from Jeremy tonight, and within the arena as well.

Alyssa of Nine (Reimagining the Hunger Games)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora