Chapter Twelve: Into the Pyramid

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As soon as I emerge from my pod, still standing firmly on my pedestal, the intensity of the blazing sun hits me, and I look around to see desert stretching as far out as the arena is massive. I see the other twenty-three tributes standing on their pedestals, which form a ring around the Cornucopia, where I can see weapons of every kind similar to what they used in Ancient Egypt, as well as several backpacks of supplies, and other neccesary items laying out in the open. The most useful are the closest to the center of the Cornucopia. The other items decrease in value and usefulness the further away they are scattered.

I hear the voice of Claudius Templesmith amplified over the arena. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 73rd Annual Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor. The Games will commence in" And then there is the boom of the starting cannon.

And I am running, we are all running, some to kill, some to die, others to grab what supplies they possibly can and then hurry into the Pyramid. As I move to swipe a dark green backpack, there is a thud next to me. The District Five boy has been hit in the back with several knives by Taffeta. And both District Twelve Tributes are also killed when Roland performs a fatal maneuver which snaps the boy's neck with a sickening crunch in the District One Careers' strong arms. The girl is surrounded by both Adonis and Emerald, and she is screaming for mercy when Adonis holds her like she is nothing but a rag doll and Emerald, wearing a sadistic, evil smile says, "Oh, poor little girl from Twelve. Guess it's lights out." Then she stabs the girl repeatedly, her warm, sticky blood splattering everywhere. And then I see them, Jayden and Marina, running for the Pyramid. I run after them while the Careers are still occupied with doing the terrible things they were trained to do.


The Capitol

Caesar Flickerman and Claudius Templesmith begin their televised commentary of the Games.

"And we're off to the start of the 73rd Hunger Games. And it's looking to be a real bloodbath, wouldn't you agree Claudius?" Caesar asks Claudius.

"A real bloodbath indeed, Caesar. It's still quite an exciting beginning though. It really gets the audience at the edge of their seats when---oooh! That poor sucker, felled by knives to his back, and look, look at Roland Terwilliger from District One, how quickly he snapped the neck of the boy from twelve, he's a goner for sure. The Careers Adonis and Emerald from District Two are already on the girl from Twelve, which is sadly unsurprising. But so suspenseful. I already have a feeling yet another Career may potentially have the victory for these Games in the bag. What say you, Caesar?"

"Well, not to say anything against my colleague and friend Claudius Templesmith, or even this years' selected crop of Career tributes, but I know that there's already a crazy huge fan base sporting golden hair, golden jewellery, gold everything right here in the Capitol for Alyssa of Nine. Just listen to them yelling for her. She's already running for the Pyramid. You think she may be out to kill the two tributes from Four or could there be a possible alliance in the works? Ladies and Gentlemen, let us take a look inside the Pyramid to find out!"


Alyssa's P.O.V

As soon as I head into the Pyramid however, I already realize that even finding a safe place for shelter will be a challenge, another twisted series of Games. There is a golden sign nearby which I quickly read.

"Enter the Pyramid when you have need,
To rest, to shelter, or from your foes you seek retreat,
But keep in mind if this you dare,
That ancient traps will abound most everywhere,
So if for shelter you now look,
Be careful of each step you take,
Unless you wish to perish among this sand,
Hop from stone to stone to pass this test,
But take caution! Those who fall will surely meet untimely death."

I hear someone say from behind me, "Seems pretty tricky, huh? Luckily, I've had plenty of practice back home in Four." It is Jayden who tells me this matter-of-factly. "You had practice?" I ask.

"Yeah, I used to enjoy leaping from rock to rock by the ocean cliffs. A lot of the working-class kids in Four do it for fun. We would also swim every opportunity we got, to help prepare us, everyone there insists it's customary to take to water with ease, since most people in my District become fishermen and sailors. Except the upper-class, and guys like Finnick Odair, my mentor.

But we'd better move. The Careers won't be hanging around at the Cornucopia forever, there's only so many weak tributes to murder on the first day, and Marina's already made it across. She should be waiting for us to catch up, that's what I told her. Just do what I do, and don't think about the quicksand." And I watch as Jayden makes the first leap onto the first stone. And I begin to cautiously follow him the further he gets across.

Finally, we make it to the other side, Jayden looking as though he just had the time of his life, and me breathing deep breaths in relief. "Come on, follow me, this way," And I follow Jayden gladly. I guess this means that I didn't have to ask. It turned out Jayden wanted me for an ally just as much as I wanted him and Marina.

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