Chapter Eighteen: Warrior Fallen

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Just as Jayden fell to the floor, Emerald looked down at the dying boy and she says, "Looks like it's you instead. You were too self-sacrificing for your own good. And now you're left to die, so much for a cousin's love. Now your pathetic cousin is about to follow you in death."

"LIKE HELL SHE IS!" Matthew growls, and with one lethal swing and blow of his axe, Taffeta is also down and bleeding out from where he struck her. "Looks like you've lost another ally. I would get out if I were you, or you'll be next." Matthew says to Emerald.

But Emerald just shrieks in fury and runs straight at Matthew, but I am quick to jump on Emerald from up on the table, I pull her head back by her long, now quite matted black hair as she screams and tries to fight me off but I'm actually stronger than I look, fortunately. And with one fatal maneuver, I have used my golden dagger from Noah to slit Emerald's throat. A sickening gurgle arises from her throat as her blood spews everywhere, and she falls, and so do I with her. I drop the dagger just before the tumble and roll away from the now silenced Emerald.

Then I hurry over to Jayden's side, where Matthew and Marina are both now crouched. "Jayden, oh my God Jay! You'll be okay, you'll be okay, you have to be okay!" Marina says hysterically over and over again. "Don't leave me Jayden, please don't leave me. You're the best cousin in the world, don't go!"

But Jayden, in his last dying breaths says, "Marina...I love you. You, Alyssa, and Matthew must do the rest without me. Don't cry. Don't..." Then, his head falls back, his eyes turn glassy, and he dies. Jayden is gone. And the cannon goes off three times.

One: Taffeta Laundau

Two: Emerald Dawson

And Three: Jayden Seacrest

They will come in a hovercraft shortly to collect the bodies, just as they always do. The fallen will be sent in coffins to three separate districts, where their families will be left to mourn, and the people must bury them with dignity. Perhaps the families of these two girls may be so consumed by the common support of the Capitol that runs strongly in the first two districts, believing that President Snow and this government always had the right ideas even now.

The families of these slain girls might even choose to look at it it this way, that Taffeta and Emerald were two trained Careers who worked hard to bring pride and honour to their districts yes, but fell short of the mark when they died. It's not an uncommon thing in One and Two, I've heard.

But it's Jayden who we are all grieving for the most. Marina is sobbing as she and Matthew and I all just hold on to each other. Before I know it, I am also crying. But then I get back up, and I say this, while wiping away any evidence of tears.

"Well Snow, I hope you and your precious Capitol are satisfied with this. Three more tributes died today. You drove us to kill Taffeta and Emerald, just like you drove Emerald to kill Jayden. Six of us are all that's left now. It's your Games. It's this government's doing.

But I'm not defeated yet. I'm going to survive this. And you want to know why? Because I'm Alyssa Whitestone, from District Nine, that's why. And I make no apologies for who and what I am. I embrace it, just like my parents did. My parents who you had executed. But it will come to an end Snow. No more arenas, no more Hunger Games, no more. And then where will you be? Try and answer that if you fucking can!"

And I sink back down on the stone floor and Marina and Matthew shortly after come to pick me back up again, Matthew is looking grimly at me, but all he says is, "We should take a few things and move out." Marina is still crying silently. And I put one of my arms around her to try to offer as much comfort as I can, even though it's not much. And all three of us continue on in these Games.


Seneca Crane and President Snow both watch and listen to Alyssa's words, considering them. The Head Gamemaker with a look of increasing worry, the President sitting, considering something terrible in the darkest parts of his cruel mind. Seneca Crane was worried that the President could even be plotting out his own demise for failing to do something drastic about the defiant girl.

"Just say the word sir, and I can have Alyssa of Nine killed, swept aside as if she'd never even existed." Seneca suggests. But Snow says quietly, "Oh no. No, I don't intend to make this that easy for Alyssa Whitestone. I intend to make her suffer. Let her insult me however she wants now. Once she gets out of that arena, I will virtually own her just like I own every other victor across Panem. Perhaps I can kill everyone she cares about like I did with Haymitch Abernathy and Johanna Mason. Or perhaps for posessing such beauty, she could be sold to the highest bidders like I've always done with Finnick Odair. Keep an eye on Noah Linwood. I want to know what letters he sends for Alyssa, and what his recent behaviour is about."

"Yes Mr. President."

Alyssa of Nine (Reimagining the Hunger Games)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя