Chapter Three: Goodbyes

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I just stand there for what feels like the longest time, with the feeling that everything is falling apart around me. Even though I had already been through what many would call hell and back living in the community orphan home, and even though I had been always hopeful that I would at least be able to escape forever my own reaping, it had all been for nothing. For the sins of our ancestors, we are still being punished. I should know by now that nothing in life is fair. And yet, I still feel trapped, cornered, screwed over. I am as good as walking to my own execution.

Somehow, I manage to pull myself together and I force myself to make the walk up to the stage on my own. It would be humiliating if any of the Peacekeepers had to march me up towards the stage. I wasn't going to have that. Nobody would volunteer as tribute in my place, because I am a lowly orphan without any known family. It is just me.

As soon as I am on the stage, the woman from the Capitol congratulates me, even though I don't see any point of that. And she says, "I am Henrietta Aster, and I will be your official escort from here until the moment you are to be escorted to the arena, as well as your chosen male counterpart. I'll explain it all later on the train."

Then she gets back to buisness. "Now, I would like you all to give a big round of applause for our female tribute from District Nine, Alyssa Whitestone." But the crowd stands silent, and no one applauds. It doesn't matter much. I am only an orphan, even now I don't matter much to anyone being a tribute, unless you count being yet another pawn in these evil, sadistic Games. Caretaker Grimes was right all along. But then I see the condemning looks on many of these faces, and I begin to wonder if even though I was always an orphan there are those in District Nine who don't condone this. Obviously something has changed.

"And now to choose our boy." Henrietta walks over to the glass bowl on the left. And she extracts a second paper. She unfolds the paper and reads it over the microphone.

"Jeremy Forbes."

Jeremy Forbes walks up to the stage. He is a stocky guy with curly dark hair who is no orphan. He doesn't bother to look at me. I can already tell what his attitude toward me will be. I am another filthy orphan, the lowest of the riff-raff of District Nine, and I really don't stand a chance, is what he probably thinks. A lot of kids here with families, particularly from any merchant's families do. But since we will in all probability be trying to off one another at some point in the next two weeks after this one, it is probably better this way.

But at urging from Henrietta, "Come on you two, you're both tributes now. You must shake hands." We finally stand face to face and we shake hands. Shortly after that, I am escorted into the District Nine Justice Building, and I am instructed to wait until the three minutes are up.

I don't expect anyone to say goodbye to me, so I sit silently on the couch, which is probably the fanciest thing I've ever even sat on in my life. And this waiting room is the most upscale place I've ever been so far. But then the doorknob turns and Cassandra, Mace, and Nathan all push their way in. Cassandra hugs me tightly. They are not supposed to be in here, Caretaker Grimes and Mrs. Briant have both forbidden it. They are each risking a beating and maybe worse coming to say good-bye to me. It is then that I realize that I do have somebody. Loyal friends.

"Oh Alyssa! This is such a nightmare!" But when she lets me go, she says, "I'm not going to cry, and I expect you to be stronger than that too. Remember what I said, do your damn best to win. No matter what those people in the Capitol throw at you in that arena, make sure to fight back with everything you've got, and above all, be brave, be smart, and stay alive. That goes for when you're up against any other tributes".

Cassandra then steps away as Mace also gives me a quick hug. "Alyssa, don't forget what Cass told you, and even if you don't move to kill, make sure that you at least give those other tributes hell for me. For us. After all, you give a good show, the Capitol will eat it all up. And with celebrity comes sponsors."

Finally, Nathan speaks up. "You won't be able to do this all on your own, Alyssa. No one who goes into that arena is, unless you're really good at camoflaging and hiding like those two morphlings from District Six who both won by staying hidden several Games ago. But they had plenty of woods, caves, and lots of foliage for cover in those Games. I have a feeling that this year will be very different than that. The point is, play to your strengths, but try to pick up other useful skills, get yourself some allies. And stay alive. You have to win."

"I will. I'll try." I say quietly. "I promise." Just as a peacekeeper comes in to say, "Time's up, get moving." As he ushers Cassandra, Mace, and Nathan out of the building, shutting the door, and making me feel more alone than I've ever been.

Alyssa of Nine (Reimagining the Hunger Games)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن