Chapter Six: The Tribute Parade

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Songs for this Chapter:

"Horn of Plenty," by James Newton Howard

After I have spent a few hours of soaking in at least six different solutions, (of which the first was by far the worst), getting waxed, my eyebrows plucked to look a certain way, and my hair washed and conditioned and dried, I am dressed in a silken pale blue dress which just comes below my knees and matching flat but elegant shoes. After that I am taken to another room to meet my stylist.

She is a small woman with dark brown hair and dark eyes, and she is dressed more simply than most Capitolites, yet professionally. "Hi, it is nice to meet you. My name is Athena, and I am going to be your stylist. And it's a good thing you are here, because I have a few important things to show you, and other things to discuss, as well as getting started on your makeup and your costume for tonight. But first, let's each take a seat and have lunch together."

So I sit down, and Athena pushes a button on the table we are sitting at, and the food appears from underneath. There's a glass each for us of champagne (somehow it doesn't surprise me to find out they let kids drink alcohol in the Capitol).

There's also a generously filled platter for us to help ourselves from that contains different cheeses, some in cubes, others shaped like flowers which turn out to be spreadable, some cold meats and thinly sliced smoked salmon, caviar, thinly sliced cucumber and small pickled onions, olives, buttery flaky bread in the shape of crescents, and dark brown slices of bread which are flavored strongly with caraway, and green grapes.

After we have both had enough to eat, an Avox is summoned to take the leftovers away. I would be sympathetic, but something I have learned since I arrived in the Capitol is that it is forbidden for anyone to speak to an Avox unless it is to ask for something from them or tell them how to do their jobs.

"So you're Alyssa Whitestone. I once worked many years ago as a stylist to your mother's sister. Kayla Morgan fought very hard, and was very brave. So are you, if you're anything like your aunt. Or your parents." I suppose Athena might have pitied me over the fact that I am an orphan. And I wish that people wouldn't do this, particularly when they are from the Capitol and don't even know me.

"Well, I wouldn't know for sure, because I never knew my aunt. And I was only four when...when my parents died." I say to Athena. I don't feel like talking about any more of it to this tribute stylist. I was certain it would be too dangerous anyway. There are surveillance cameras hidden in many places in District Nine, so it stands to reason that there must be a hundred, even a thousand times more in the Capitol.

After that, I am introduced to my makeup team, Thelonius, Demetra, and Annetta, my measurements are all taken, and they are all babbling in the same narrow-minded chatter I have come to expect from most Capitolites as they get to work with me.

I sit in front of a large mirror as they apply my makeup, and line my eyes with black kohl, and they brush lightly a shiny powder all over my face which lends an almost ethereal golden glow. It's like they are making me look like someone from the ancient world.

I am so curious about it all that I ask them questions about my parade costume as they begin styling my hair by braiding my hair into hundreds of little braids with several tiny gold, red, blue, and green beads. But Annetta says to me, "I'm afraid you'll have to wait until Athena presents you with your costume after you're finished with us. But I can assure you, Alyssa, that after tonight, if all goes according to plan, you and the boy from Nine will be the tributes on everyone's minds and the words on everyone's lips."

"Yes, but I don't see how. I mean District Nine citizens are mainly grain farmers, and factory workers who produce grain products. Except for the merchant upper-class, and the mayor, they're all just ordinary working-class people."

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