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Cyborg and Beast Boy are Bored-Take 1:

"Ugh,Cy. I'm so booorreeeed!" Whined Beast Boy.

"I know! We've played.....uh...crap, I forgot my line!" Cyborg said. This caused Beast Boy to start laughing.

"Alright, let's run it again," said the director.


Meeting Love-Take 1:

"Hi, Beast Boy!"

Beast Boy let out a yelp. He turned around and saw Raven lying on her bed swinging her feet in the air behind her.

"Raven! I'm sorry! I didn't know you were in here. You see, me and Cy are playing Hide and Go Seek and I-"

"I don't mind." She said.

Beast Boy was shocked. Raven, the girl who forbids anyone to go in her room, doesn't mind him coming in?

"You-you don't?" He asked.

She giggled. "No."

Okay. Now she's giggling? Who is this girl and what has she done with Raven?

"So, you don't mind me using your room as a hiding place?"

She got up and walked toward him. "No. And you know, you could use this room as...more than a hiding place," She whispered in a seductive tone.

This caused everyone to laugh extremely hard. Even Raven could be heard laughing off set.

"Do it again." The director said, still laughing.


Meeting Love-Take 2:

Beast Boy let out a yelp. He turned around and saw Raven lying on her bed swinging her feet in the air behind her.

"Raven! I'm sorry! I didn't know you were in here. You see, me and Cy are playing Hide and Go Seek and I-"

"I don't mind." She said.

Beast Boy was shocked. Raven, the girl who forbids anyone to go in her room, doesn't mind him coming in?

"You-you don't?" He asked.

She giggled. "No."

Okay. Now she's giggling? Who is this girl and what has she done with Raven?

"So, you don't mind me using your room as a hiding place?"

She got up and started to walk towards him but tripped and fell. "Aahh!" She cried. The were snickers and giggles off set.

"You okay?" Beast Boy asked, helping Love up.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Love giggled.

"Are you alright, Love?" The director asked.

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

"Let's get it right this time! I have to shoot this from three different angles!"


Inside Raven's mind-Take 1:

Beast Boy looked around the familiar place. Running up to him and Love was Happy.

"Beast Boy! I haven't seen you in forever!" Happy said, giving him a huge hug.

"Nice to see you too, Happy. Now could you let go of me?"

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