chapter 14

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***Rihanna pov***

"Wake up Bxxtch , " , I heard as I felt some type of liquid spilling down on me .

"WTF is this shxxt , Bxxtch is you peeing on me pussy ? , yall some fxck niggas , man yall don't got no sympathy for a bxtchh "

"wake yo Bxxtch asx up & stfu hoe , iknoww that niggas got you playing pussy , sexy asx"

"get your hands of Me fxck nigga"

Thiss nigga was really trying to rub on me & shxxt . I wasn't having that shxxt . Buy I could play a Lil mind trick on him , make em thank I like him an them kill his asx went I get loose.

Who Tf am I kidding , shxxt I never killed nobody before the closes I was to killing some body was two years ago when a bxtchh tried me like a scrub .

I was bad as'f when I was a kid . The Bxxtch wanted to fight me because she say "I was eye balling her friend" BXXTCH Tf I look like , she wanted to be super save a hoe , so I fight that Bxxtch like she was a man beat her asx senseless .

of course I got in some trouble , but shxxt I had to show them hoes whose boss .

Anyways isn't out of My day dream an looked at his man , dead in his eyes . They were a ebony black , he had no remorse . mutha fxckn shirt had rips all on it. His pants were bay an dirty . His breath was descusting , Shelly like he had five rotten teeth & a can of shark shxxt in his mouth . teeth looked like he hasn't brushed in months .

Them shoes , oh gosh , look like he had been to Iraq an back in den Bxxtches thru were leaning , shouts strings wets suppose to be white but , unfortunately they weren't.

ewwww , i don't knoo how I'm going to pull this off but damn I gotta do some thing . . .

"um , I got to go to the bathroom . Can you take me please ?"

"no , you Juss cursed me out , you think I'm finna let you go to the bathroom . piss on yourself , like idid . "

"sick Bastard , you foul as'f for that ."

I look down at my clothes an yes their were were spots of drops on my clothes .

"man can I Juss go to the bathroom , like fareal yo ,"

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