chapter 16

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Rihanna POV

ayee , dude , ayeeeeeee , I said,knock on the door as if,i needed to be let out , but I was jus trying to get his attention.

"Girl quit fucking yelling & beating on shxxt" , " before I do the same to you"

"Yea Wateva , can you bring me my bag ?"

"what damn bag"

"it's like a purse man "

"Hell no , for what " , " Hell idk even kno where it's at"

" I really need it man , it's a emergency man . Please"

"iight , wait right here "

I through my hands up in the air while still in the bathroom ., slapping them hard on my legs as I think out loud, "Where *slap*The *slap* Fxck *slap* Am *slap* I *slap* Gonna *slap* Go . Thiss man have ran my pressure up , & he don't even know it .

"Oh , Lol , you don't have a choice , but to stay"

Thiss pussy trying me man . But I need to keep calm . Play nice .

I heard foot step walking away . I took deep breaths in & deep breathes out . Did that 5 times.

5 mins passes ~

"What the".....HERE MAN!

"Thank ya ! " , isaid an creeked the door open an snatched my purse out of his hand .

"what took you so long ?" I asked the boy.

"gurl Juss hurry the hell up, and quit questioning me , trina make convosation and shxxt "

How dare he try to tell me to stop tryna make convo ,& his punk asx was acting like we was best damn friends before I came in here , zammmmnn cuhh acting up . But that's fine .

I was looking in my purse and saww my phone .

Did my happy dance , so, you know it's real .

Omg I'm so glad he didn't go in my purse.

I took out my phone . soon as I clicked the home button , that beep beep beep . When your phone finna go dead ,

YEA, that damn noise , all loud and shxxt . I flinched so hard when I heard that shxxt.

Looking side to side like I was stealing some shxxt .

I was so nervous I had to use the bathroom foreal.

after I stood there for another second completely silent .

I looked at the phone, 50 missed calls . Omg they do notice I'm gone .

I hurried up an texted Justin .

"BABY, HELP ME ." I typed .

Iknoww he wasent expecting me to txt him but hell , I hadda do something fast .

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