Please dont make me....

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"Marcus..? It thought, I ,come on man, I thought that" Alfie stumbled over his words.
"Look mate I'm sorry" !arcus said bowing his head not sure of what to do.
A crowd of fans had now made themselves noticeable with chants of Zalfie or chants is Zarcus.
People said Marcus didn't deserve Zoe others Said Zoe didnt deserve Marcus or Alfie some even went as far as dying Zoe was worthless and neither of the boys should go out with her.
This was all to much for Zoe and The boys too. Marcus ran off unable to controll his emotions. Alfie stood there unsure if what to do he had tears streaming down his face.
Zoe looked behind her wanting either Marcus or Alfie to tell her it was going to be ok.
Alfie looked at Zoe. Her face crumpled she needed her chummy more than ever now. Or did she need Marcus or Casper or Alfie. Maybe even Tyler.

Not far away Marcus was thinking. Not thinking. Running back to Zoe. He hugged her tight and picked her up into a firemans lift and put her into the car. He scowled at Alfie and then drove away taking Zoe somewhere calm where she could cry as he could hold her and tell her it would all be ok.

Alfie's P.O.V
I was left there on my own. The crowds staring at me. I just satin the floor and started crying. I went to cross the road my head a mess and that's when...........

We heard the brakes screech and a man scream.
"Marcus stop" I yelled
Marcus pulled to the side I got out and ran back to where we were a few seconds ago and I saw Alfie laying in the road.
"ALFIEEEEEEE!!!!" I screamed. My breathing rapid. I couldn't not now. Come on Zoe breathe.
"Marcus call an ambulance please now pleaseee"
Marcus heard what I was saying and soon enough an ambulance drove to the scene.

That's when I fainted. I don't like ambulances or hospitals. My head hit the ground. Well I thought it did. But my head felt fine. Mayepbe he caught me.
I felt horrible. Did I have to choose between two of the people I care about most. Love one and friend one. I love Marcus. But Alfie would cry. But I don't feel that way for Alfie.

---yes another short one sorry but I just had an idea for the next chapter so will write it now xx----

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