Just Give Me A Reason (Sequel to Disgusting)

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Authoress Notes: AHHHH!! Guys it's the sequel lets throw a party!! Sadly to say I won't be co-writing this time. This is all on my own...-looks off into the distance- ANYWAYS! Let's began the first chapter!

Disclaimers: I do not own the song or Dean Winchester from Supernatural



I stared at my blank screen, I was suppose to be writing my next book. I had no inspiration well I do have a muse but he was at work. I started to spin in my chair really fast.

"Americus, what are you doing? You are 21 not a 12 year old." I stopped spinning and tried to focus on the person with the deep rich voice.

I smiled at my husband Drew of 3 years now. He grew a bit more over the 3 years and looked really, really good in a suit. His haircut was more of a Dean Winchester which I didn't mind and his features were more defined but I couldn't help staring at his shining emerald green eyes.

"Well I may look like 21 but I have a heart of a child." I got up and wrapped my arms around him.

He kissed the top of my head, "I know."

"You are home early," I looked up at him.

"Yeah, there was not much to do and I can leave whenever I want I am the boss." I let him go and sat down and stared at the blank page with a sigh. "Still no luck?" He asked and walked over leaning down to stare at the screen.

"None, nothing is coming to mind. My first book was a hit but to write another and for it to be good as my first. This is going to take more time." I closed my laptop and put my head down on it.

"How does eating at your favorite restaurant sound?" Drew asked.

I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, "Why? What is going on?" I asked. I always got suspicious when someone gets me my favorite meal or something I like since there is always news that follow it.

"Can't I take out my beautiful wife?" 

"I guess..." I eyed him.

"Go get dressed," Drew helped me up and pushed me to our room.

We lived in a nice 2 bedroom apartment. I also had a walk in closet filled with amazing clothes and shoes. I looked through my clothes and found a nice light blue dress and and white heels. I changed and went to the bathroom and did my make-up and left my blonde locks down. Sadly to say I looked the same, I was the same height and had the same hair color. The only thing that changed was my age and I looked sort of a bit older then when I was 17.

I walked back out to the living room and Drew was on the phone. He was starting to pace and I sighed. I took my shoes off. When he started to pace that meant he couldn't do what he planned with me. I heard him hung up as I walked to the fridge.

"Americus, I'm sorry I have to go." Drew said. 

"It's fine we will just try this again tomorrow or something. I do have a book to write so it's all good." I forced a smile and he gave a small smile and left.

My smiled dropped and I sighed and got some wine. I hated when work pulled Drew away from me. It was happening more lately. The first year we were married it was the best, the second year it was still good and growing strong. But came this 3rd year he worked more, sometimes he would sleep at his office. 

Mackenzy my best friend said that things would be okay and I will believe that. I poured my glass and was drinking it. I was home alone yet again with nothing to do. I pondered if something was wrong with Drew's family company and that is way he worked more. He never talked about it with me. 

I shook my head, everything is fine. I went to the couch and sat down and turned the TV on and started to catch up on MTV's Teen Wolf series. I loved me some Derek Hale. 

I caught up on Teen Wolf and was just surprised but then again I had so called it! I looked at the clock and it was already going to be 11 p.m. I got my book and started to read. There was nothing much else to do besides reading or working on my book. I rather read though. 


I woke up to hear a door closing. I looked at the clock and it was 3 in the morning. All my horror movie memories came back and I got up quick. I took the bat that I hid under the couch and walked to the hallway. I heard someones footsteps and I screamed and went to hit the person. But the person caught the bat. I opened my eyes to see Drew.

"Drew! I thought you were a murder," he took the bat from me and I smiled as innocently as I could.

"Americus, you could've hurt me." Drew looked really tired.

"Sorry, but if you didn't come one at like 3 fricking in the morning I might have not tried to hit you." I crossed my arms.

Drew walked passed me to our bedroom. I followed and sat down on the bed and watched as Drew changed to nothing but his boxers. I walked to my dresser and changed into a tank top and shorts. We both laid in bed.

I felt Drew's arms pulling me close to him and I couldn't help but smile.

"Sorry about not eating out," Drew whispered.

"It's okay, I understand." I whispered back as I turned to face him and gave him a kiss. Which he happily returned.

"Drew, is everything okay?" I asked.

"I don't know, I'm barely keeping the company afloat. Please just bare with me a bit longer. Soon everything is going to be okay and we can spend as much time as we want together." Drew's voice got huskier from sleepiness.

"I've stuck with you for this long. I'm not going anywhere." I kissed his nose, well I think it was his nose. I couldn't tell in the dark. 

Drew's breathing evened out. I stared into the darkness a bit longer, he must have been very tired to tell me this. But I'm glad he did, it means he will always trust me. I smiled as I fell asleep.


Authoress End Notes: Well as you can see things aren't that perfect but Drew and Americus makes the best out of it. Well I hoped you liked the first chapter of Just Give Me A Reason!!

Just Give Me A Reason (Sequel to Disgusting) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now