Just Give Me A Reason Ch. 2

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Authoress Notes:  Guys!!! It's my birthday!!!! That is all :33



I woke up to an empty bed, Drew had left for work already. I got up and the clock read 9:37 A.M. I rolled out of bed and made myself some breakfast. I then took a shower and I had only killed an hour. I walked to my little desk in living room and opened my laptop.

I had an idea for my next book but it had to many bad plot bunnies. My editor was on vacation so I was S.O.L for the moment. I then surfed the web, I went to tumblr, Youtube, and MSpaintadventures for some Homestuck reading. So sue me I love me some Homestuck. 

I looked at the clock again and it was already noon. I got dressed into shorts and a blue shirt and decided to go shopping.


I was in one of my favorite stores and looking at the cute summer dresses. I ended up buying a dress and some new shoes. I was walking along and not paying attention I ran into someone. I looked up to apologize but it fell from my lips. 

"Hey sorry...are you okay?" The guy asked.

"Ryan...Star?" I asked with wide blue eyes.

"Yes...Do I know you?" He asked.

"It's me! Americus," I smiled awkwardly.

"Americus...OH! Americus Reborn," Ryan smiled.

We stood awkwardly, you see Ryan was my first boyfriend. The first person I fell in love with and the first to break my heart.

"Actually it's Americus Newbell." I held up my left hand to show my wedding band.

"You got married! That's great...this might seem awkward but want to grab some lunch. I would like to hear what's been going on." Ryan smiled which was dazzling as ever. 

You see Ryan is an all American type of guy. He was the star football quarterback back in highschool, yeah even I don't know how we dated I was into the scene look. He had sandy blonde hair, a nice build, bright blue eyes and tan skin.

"Sure, why not. I have nothing better to do." We walked to a place to eat.

"So what have you been up to?" I asked Ryan.

"Nothing really, I'm working as a vet for the zoo." Ryan smiled.

"No way! That is so cool."

"What about you Americus?"

"Well where do I begin," I joked.

"Tell me everything."

So that is what I did, he was shocked to know my marriage was arranged but he was happy for me being in love with Drew. He also said he will read my book which I was happy for.

"We should do this again Americus, I don't know why we didn't become friends after we broke up." Ryan said.

I just stared at him, "You are shitting me right? We broke up because you cheated on me with the head cheerleader. I did not want to be friends with you."

"I'm sorry about that, I really am." Ryan did look like he was sorry.

I heaved a sigh, "It's fine, but yeah we can be friends." I was still a sucker for his smiles but Drew's were the best.

"Maybe I can meet your husband, he sounds like a good guy."

"He is, I love him with all my heart." I smiled with my soul.

"I can see that, well I have to go. I have to check on a seal."

"Have a nice time, I should probably head back home and try and write another book. Or laze around and waste time." I laughed and Ryan paid for lunch.

We said our goodbyes and headed our separate ways. Then I realized I need to go in the same direction as him. But that would be so awkward so I just went to another store then headed back to my car and drove home.

When I got there Drew was already home and asleep on the couch. I sneaked over to him and stared at him creepily and giggled. Drew opened his eyes and let out non manly scream.

"Damn it Americus, you scared me." He sat up and held a hand to his chest.

I was laughing really hard to the point I was on the floor. "Nice to see Jewels again!" 

Jewels was Drew's girl side, she mostly came out when I scare him. It was nice to see her from time to time.

"This doesn't get mentioned ever," Drew couldn't help but smiled.

"Uh-huh," I laughed, I was so going to tell his best friend Darren. 

"What did you do today?" Drew asked as he pulled me to him and I sat on his lap.

"Not much I went to stores and did some shopping. Ran into an old friend, that's about it." I leaned against him.

"Seemed more relaxed then mine. I had papers to go through and go to 5 meetings." Drew ran a hand through his hair.

"My poor baby, what would like your darling wife do for you." I asked with a smirk of my lips.

"There are many things but for now feed me, make me sandwich."

"Never! I told you back before we got married, I will never make you a sandwich not even in your dreams." I huffed.

"I'm kidding anyways." He smirked.

 Drew and I made dinner and ate together. That was until he got another call from work and left. I sighed and hopped onto my computer I checked my FB and I had gotten a new friend request. It was from Ryan Star, I smiled and added him as a friend.

I realized I never told Drew that the old friend was my first boyfriend. It didn't matter though, who knows if I actually want to hang out with him again. 


"...Mericus...Americus, wake up." I opend my eyes and sat up. I looked and saw Drew who looked tired.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's midnight, you fell asleep at your desk."

"I don't wanna get up," I slid to the floor and Drew chuckled.

"Come on," he picked me up and carried me to our room.

"Hmm, this reminds me of after the reception party." I smirked.

"Ah yes that was rather fun," Drew gave me a smexy look and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Yeah specially when you  fell off the bed and I laughed for a straight hour." I bit my lip to stop from laughing.

"Okay that wasn't fun," he gave me a look and I leaned up and kissed him.

He laid me on the bed and crawled on top of me and things heated up from that moment.


Authoress End Notes: Okay let's mature about this cubs, they are adults since they are 21. Also as you can see Americus has matured from her crazyness but that doesn't mean I won't add it here and there. Also Drew won't play that big of a role I know sad face but he makes more of impact later on in the series. Well Until then Cubs take care :33

Just Give Me A Reason (Sequel to Disgusting) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now