Just Give Me A Reason Ch. 9

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Authoresss Notes: New Year and that means new chapters! I really just need to stay in my box for the rest of this story. I'm scared you all might try and kill me haha. Well I'm happy to be writing again, now go on and read;



I woke up and I felt like visiting Drew at work. I hadn't done that in a while now and it was nice to see him so dressed up and working hard. I smirked at the picture in my head and giggled. I got up and showered and dressed. 

By the time was heading to the company it was already lunch time. I then picked some food up knowing Drew would like some lunch. Pulling into the parking lot I got out and headed to the doors. The receptionist waved at me and told me Mr. Newbell should be in his office. 

I thanked her and headed to the elevator. I clicked the top one and rode in silence, happy there wasn't elevator music, that would be hell. 

I got out and waved at a few people I knew. I knocked on the door and there was no answer so I walked in. Drew must have went out for a bit since he wasn't there. I shrugged to myself and set the food down and sat in his chair. It was really comfortable unlike my own chair at home.

I heard a knock and sat up and called them in. Then walked in was the person I hated in the world and who almost ruined my wedding day! Bethany, Drew's ex-girlfriend

"Oh, I thought Drew was here," Bethany smirked.

"He went out, and it's Mr. Newbell to you, Bethany. What the hell are you doing here?" I glared at her.

"I have a meeting with Mr. Newbell. And why are you here Mrs. Newbell?" Bethany asked with a mocking tone to my last name.

"I cam to visit my husband" I leaned back in the chair and received a glare from Bethany.

"I'm a bit surprised you have been together this long. You two hardly knew each other when you got married." Bethany smirked again.

"Well I will have you know, we actually love each other. And the sex is great also. Are you still single" I smiled sweetly and innocently as I could.

"That is none of your business," she glared.

"You seem like you are," I could help but laugh.

"I wouldn't be almighty there Americus, I'm the only thing that is keeping Drew afloat."

"What are you talking about?" I ask and stood up.

Bethany laughed like it was the most funny thing, "Oh he hasn't told you. Typical Drew Newbell." Bethany then walked over and the only thing between us was the desk and she leaned forward like she was going to let me in on a secret.

"Drew and I are partners," Bethany said.

I glared at her and was going to slap her but then I heard the door open.  I looked past Bethany and saw Drew and he had wide eyes. He looked between Bethany and I, then he walked over.

"Americus, why are you here?" He asked.

I gaped at him, usually he is happy to see me. I could see Bethany trying to hold her laugh back.

"What the hell is she talking about you and her being partners now?!" I ask.

"I will explain at home, please go. I have a meeting. It was nice to see you though," Drew smiled and then he dropped it when he saw me not looking happy. He leaned in for a kiss on my cheek and I turned and walked out. 

I got in my car and went to the bar. I did not want to go home and just wait around for Drew to come home. I pulled into a near by bar close to the apartments just in case I do get drunk and I can walk home. I walked inside and took a seat and I chatted with the bartender. Her name was Lisa and she was nice. I slipped on one drink for a while and also had lunch since I left the one I bought in Drew's office.

I got a called and it was Drew. I sighed and picked up.


"Americus, where are you?" 

"Eating," I lied. 

"Come home, I want to explain." 

"Fine be home soon." I pressed end and I told Lisa she might see me again and I left after paying.

I drove home and sat in my car not really wanting to get out. I just wanted to stay mad at Drew and not forgive him. I had the right to...right?

I got out and walked into the apartment and Drew was in the kitchen and I walked over to there. Drew had a glass of scotch. I sat down on one of the chairs.

"So you called me and I'm here," I said.

"I'm sorry for not telling you I'm working with Bethany." Drew ran a hand through his hair.

"Sorry doesn't cut it Drew! I wouldn't mind if you were working with her if you told me when it happened!" 

"Yeah well I knew you would've over reacted to it anyways. I know you hate Bethany-"

"And you're right I do hate her. Why do you have to be partners with her of all people!"

"She was the one to offer help, you are just going to have to deal with it Americus." 

"Deal! Did you just tell me to deal with it Drew Newbell?" I shouted.


"I have every right to over react to this, she kissed you on our wedding day!"

"You are still on about that? I love you and only you Americus." Drew sighed.

I glared out the window, so what if I'm over reacting. I knew Bethany would try and pull something while working with Drew. It feels like Drew and I are dancing on the edge right now. I got up and got my keys to leave again.

"Americus," Drew caught my arm.

"Even if I don't like this one bit I know you will work with Bethany either way." I pulled my arm and walked out the door. 

I went back to the bar and ordered Grey Goose Vodka, I really needed this.


Authoress End Notes: Well uhhh yeah...-slowly walks backwards and far, far away-

Just Give Me A Reason (Sequel to Disgusting) (Editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz