Just Give Me A Reason Ch. 20

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Authoress Notes: Hey my Cubs! Look I finally updated and on the weekend at that haha. I hope you enjoy this chapter...only 3 more after this and its finished!



Drew and I told my parents we would visit soon again and I had to say bye to my dog Diamond. After a few hours on a plan we were back in California. I was glad to be in the warm weather again but at the same time not. Drew had took his car here to the airport so we didn't need a taxi.

Drew drove us home to our nice apartment and once inside I threw my crap towards the living room and headed to the bedroom. I heard Drew chuckling and followed me. I laid on my nice bed and I looked towards Drew who was leaning against the door frame.

He was about to make his way towards me when his cell rang. I sat up and looked away knowing he probably already had to leave for his job. But when I looked back he was turning his phone completely off. I looked at him surprised.

"Drew?" I asked.

"I'm not going in today specially since I just got back." Drew set his phone down and walked over to me with a devious smirk. 

I felt my heart beating faster at the sight of him. He then was on top of me kissing me everywhere.

I woke up some time later and felt the need for a shower after our little exercise. I got up and kicked away our discarded clothes. I headed into the showers and enjoyed the nice hot water. Well that was until I felt arms wrap around me from behind in the shower. I let out a small scream and turned around and found Drew.

"You scared the crap out of me!" I yelled at him and smacked his chest.

"I thought you knew I came in?" Drew raised an eye brow.

"No! I was too busy enjoy my shower." I glared at him.

"And now we can enjoy it together."

"...Wait no! Come on, let me have a break!" I tried to get out but it was no use.

In the end I did enjoy the shower but it took longer than usual. And now we were cuddling on the couch watching V for Vendetta I loved this movie.

"We should get pizza." I heard Drew say.

"Yeah sounds good." I then handed him my phone to call.

Drew then called to get a pizza delivered and about 15 minuted later we finally had our delicious pizza. My side was simple and Drew had a bunch of icky stuff.

I say Drew going for one of my pepperoni slices and I smack his hand.

"No, mine. Americus doesn't share food." I told him.

"Come on let me have a slice."

"No, then you should've just gotten it to be all pepperoni pizza and not half." I took the rest of my slices and put them on my plate.

"Fine be that way, next time you want something I'm eating I'm going to say that Drew doesn't share food." Drew took a bite of his slice and then pouted.

"Oh don't be such a baby," I laughed at him and then gave him a slice of mine since I sure as hell wasn't going to finish it.

After the movie finished it was already late at night. We watched the credits roll by and I was playing with Drew's hand.

"We will be fine now right?" I asked him.

"Of course, I'm not going to let you go again." Drew kissed the top of my head.

"Do you have to go to work tomorrow?" 

"Yes, but I'm going to go in late. I'm sure we are going to go to bed late."

I felt my face heating up and smacked his chest, "Really Drew!"

Drew laughed and then got up. He helped me up and then threw me over his shoulder. I let out a squeak and he walked towards the bedroom. 

I woke up the next day and Drew was sleeping still. I slipped out of bed and put on some clothes. I adjusted my sweat pants and tee-shirt that was Drew's as I walked out. I headed to the kitchen and decided to make a nice breakfast.

I got out some eggs and bacon and pancake mix and some potatoes. I then got to work mixing, cutting, frying and cooking the food. I was about finished when Drew came, only clad in his boxers.

"Morning," I smiled and was getting out plates.

"Smells good in here." Drew sat down as I was putting food on the plates.

"I know," I smirked.

I set a plate down in front of him and set mine down. I then got us orange juice. I sat next to him and we ate in a nice silence. 

After breakfast, Drew got up and headed to the bedroom to get ready for work. I put the plates and cups in the sink.

I then sat on the couch and started to watch TV. After a bit Drew came into the living room and he finally turned on his phone and then grimaced.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

"Not really, I have lots of things to do now, I'll be home late just so I can finish everything." Drew kissed the top of my head.

I must have been giving a look cause he then kissed my lips, "Don't worry, from now on I'll be home at a normal time so we can east dinner together." Drew then left.

I then pulled out my laptop and decided to try and get this book done, well at least try and get a lot done.

I spent the whole day writing, it felt good to write up a story again. I snacked all day since I was so into my work. Next thing I know I heard the door opening and I looked at the clock and it was already 2 in the morning. I saved my work and closed my laptop.

I walked to the kitchen since I head Drew in there. I watched him as he searched for something to eat.

"Should I make something?" I asked.

Drew jumped a bit, "Americus, you're still up?"

"Yeah, I was working also. Let me make something, I'm hungry also." I smiled.

Drew gave me a tired smile back and kissed me, "I would love that."


Authoress End Notes: Awww wasn't it cute..sort of haha. I hope to update soon again but no real promise, I have homework and crap from college so its a lot of work. Even with only 2 classes it can be a lot. Well until next time Cubs!!

Just Give Me A Reason (Sequel to Disgusting) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now