Just Give Me A Reason Ch. 13

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Authoress Notes:  Sorry for the lateness of this but I was busy haha but like I promised an update! I hope you like it!



I didn't understand, why was Ryan kissing me?! But his lips are warm and soft, I couldn't help but kiss back. Then suddenly as I kissed him back I pushed him away. I started up at him and he as smiling!

"What the hell was that for?" I ask him.

"I wanted to kiss you, I'm still attracted to you." Ryan said.

I just stared at him and turned to walk away. I hailed a cab and told the driver where to take me. I stare up the apartments and buzzed Mackenzy's apartment.

"Who dares to disturb me and my ice cream!" I heard Mackenzy say.

"It's me Americus, I really need to talk to you," I said through the intercom.

Mackenzy buzzed me up and I took the elevator to her floor. I walked to the door and Mackenzy was there leaning against the door frame. She saw how distraught I was and let me in immediately. She took me to the couch and set her ice cream down.

"Tell me what happened," Mackenzy said.

"It's over! I know if Drew finds out he won't want to be with me anymore." I bit my lip from crying.

"What are you talking about? What did you do Americus?" Mackenzy asked.

"Ryan kissed me...I kissed back. It was so nice and warm, I wanted to kiss him more!" I put my head in my hands.

"Americus look at me," I did and Mackenzy slapped me across the face.

I stared wide eyed at her and slowly put my hand on my cheek where I know it's turning red from her slap.

"What was that for!?" I shouted at her.

"Because you are a fucking moron! Don't do this, don't throw away what you have with Drew just case of an ex! Ryan cheated on you remember!" Mackenzy yelled at me.

"What do I do then?" I asked and felt tears pricking at the corner of my eyes.

"Simple, Drew doesn't need to know and I am going to call Ryan and tell him to not see you anymore unless he wants to get shanked." Mackenzy said.

"But what if Drew does find out, what's if I accidentally tell him?"

"If that time comes then you say you were lonely and tired of everything that has been happening lately. Which is true, just stick with the truth and don't tell him you wanted to kiss Ryan some more though. Keep that comment to yourself." Mackenzy then got up and got another spoon and came back.

We started to eat the ice cream in silence. Mackenzy is right just stick with the truth if this ever comes up. Hopefully it never will though.

"Where is Darren?" I asked.

"At work he should be home in a few hours," Mackenzy took another bite of the ice cream.

I started to cry, I don't know why well I sort of do. Everything just felt like it was trying to suffocate me. Everything was going down hill for me.

"Americus...?" Mackenzy sounded highly uncomfortable.

"S-sorry Mackenzy..i-it's just that everything feels like it's g-going to kill m-me," I managed to say through my tears.

"Okay time to bring out the wine," Mackenzy then felt and came back with two glasses and two bottles of red wine.

She poured herself a glass and poured me some and it looked like she gave me more. I didn't care, I started to drink it hoping it to numb the pain if only for a little bit. Mackenzy turned the TV on and we started to watch something random while I drink.

Next thing I know it has been a few hours and Darren was home.

"Hey I'm home...oh hey Americus," Darren looked at Mackenzy and she got up and they walked to the kitchen to talk.

I didn't care I was really out of it. I had finished a bottle by myself and now I was tired and ready for bed. As I laid on the couch I thought of Ryan and his kiss and how I liked it and then I thought of Drew and how I loved him with all my heart that was starting to shatter from everything.

"Hey Americus, how are you feeling?" Mackenzy asked as she came over.

"Like I hit rock bottom finally," I sighed.

"Okay well how about you stay here for the night, it makes me feel better knowing you are where I can see you."

"Sure, Darren doesn't mind?" I ask.

"Nope, he knows Drew and you aren't really talking so he says it's fine for tonight."

"How does he know?"

"Cause Drew told him."

"Oh," I didn't know Drew talked to Darren about our problems. Makes sense they are friends like Mackenzy and I.

"Thanks," I closed my eyes.

"I'll get some blankets and a pillow." Mackenzy said.

She came back with the things she said and I used the bathroom. I laid on the couch and I started to doze off. Then I woke up from Mackenzy as she came over to me.

"If you need to throw up please and try and make it to the bathroom." She said.

"Yeah, okay." I grumbled and turned away from her.

She turned the TV and lights off and her heard in the kitchen. I was sleepy but my mind was swarming with everything at once. I sat up and walked to the balcony they had and opened the door and breathed in the air. The nice cool air felt good on my heated skin.

After a while of just standing there I went back and laid down. What was I going to do now? How did things get so bad so quick. I felt tears falling again and I turned to my side and cried silently. I sat up again and took out my phone and stared at Drew's number. I then locked my phone, it would be stupid to call him when I'm drunk.

I closed my eyes and forced myself to go to sleep. Everything would be fine tomorrow.


Authoress End Notes: Well do I still need to sit in my metal box? Or if I do come out am I going to get killed? O.O

Just Give Me A Reason (Sequel to Disgusting) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now