I: Freedom can lead to being childish

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"Claude, who is she?" Alois asked his demonic butler, looking down upon a white clothed girl with midnight black hair.

She sat on the floor in front of his desk. Within her grasp was a little doll with orange hair and purple eyes. There was also a white mask over the girl's eyes, covering them from view.

"She is the "magical angel" that is widely talked about throughout London, sir." Claude said, adjusting his glasses a little. "Her name is unknown but it appears that we have acquired her somehow. I found her sitting on the front steps this morning with a note on her."

"A note?" Alois asked, looking towards Claude.

"Yes, here it is." Claude said, handing his master a folded piece of paper.

Alois roughly took it from him and unfolded the paper to see what was written on it.

The note read:


You are the new owner of the "Magical Angel"! But be careful though. She may look sweet and innocent, but she is really a half demon! Have fun with that.

-From the previous owner of the "Magical Angel"

"Half demon?" Alois said before looking at Claude. "What do they mean by that, Claude?"

"She is half demon and half human." Claude answered, staring at the girl. "In other words, one of her parents was a demon and the other was a human."

"Worthless trash," he thought, slightly glaring at the girl.

"Really?" Alois said, looking back at the girl.

The girl just stared off into space despite the people staring at her.

"Then she must be more useless than Hannah." Alois said, "Put her somewhere for the time being so I can decide what to do with her later."

"Yes, your highness." Claude said, bowing to Alois.

The girl also bowed to Alois with him. Claude walked over to her, picked her up by the arm and dragged her out of the room. To his luck, one of the triplet servants just so happened to be sweeping the floor near the master's study. It was Canterbury.

"Canterbury," Claude said, walking towards him with the "magical angel".

Canterbury stopped his work and looked toward Claude. Claude practically shoved the girl's arm over toward him, giving him the girl and her doll.

"I want you to give this girl a room." Claude ordered, "I don't care what room it is, just give her one for the time being. Master Alois is currently thinking of what to do with the little half demon."

Once Canterbury took the girl from Claude's grasp, he turned around and walked away from them. Canterbury had a surprised look on his face as he looked toward the lifeless looking girl. The girl looked up at him and tilted her head to the side a bit.

"It is true, I am a half demon," the girl finally said in a monotone voice. It was low, soft and hearable for normal talking.

Canterbury nodded his head as a response and let go of her. He noticed that her legs trembled before she fell to the floor. He put his hand out toward her to help her up. She looked up at him before taking his hand and trying to stand on her own two feet.

"Thank you," she said once she was able to stand on her own. "My name is Ritsuka Blood, okay?" She then lifted up her doll and put it in Canterbury's view to see. "This is Ningyou. He also says thank you."

She made her doll nod its head at Canterbury. Canterbury stared at the doll with his expressionless stare. Ritsuka held out her palm and placed Ningyou sitting on it. She lifted him up a bit, almost at eye level with Canterbury. Minutes passed before the doll started moving on its own. It slowly stood to its feet and reached up for its top hat that was nestled on top of its hair. It lifted the hat off of its head and bowed toward Canterbury, as a way of saying thank you to him.

Canterbury stared at the doll as it sat back down and became lifeless again. Ritsuka took the doll off of her hand and held it in her arms. She looked up at Canterbury.

"Maybe we should find a room for me so you can get back to work, huh?" Ritsuka said.

Canterbury nodded his head and began leading her down the hall. Ritsuka followed shortly behind him.

My Half AngelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin