Chapter 3- The Introduction

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"What is going on?" Kristie asked, blocking Gareth's path. He shoved her and dived into the cave and sighed in relief. MinecraftMaster Restrained his friends from attacking him, and explained that he was friendly. 

Kristie crossed her arms. "A friendly zombie? You guys must have been eating too much rotten flesh."

Then they turned and faced me. "Is that HEROBRINE?!" They shouted in unison.

Playe#1, who's name reads "DiamondArchitect22," nods and smiles cheerily. 

Player#3, who's name is "JaredDoesMinecraft," just stands there. His face is twisted in a question mark, a cross between horrified fascination and minor fright. "So, THE Herobrine is not actually a killer, right?" 

I roll my eyes. "You are are currently alive. Take a wild guess."

Kriste (gamertag reads, KPickaxe12), laughs and sheathes her sword. "I'm Kristie." She had dark jeans, dark brown hair puled back in a ponytail, and a pink t-shirt. Her blue eyes were squinted, her hand cupped in front of them to block out the sun.

Jared, however, seemed to be her exact opposite. He had black jeans, a black and grey checkerboard hoodie, short blond hair, and a red hat. One hand was stuffed inside his pocket, clearly holding something, and the other was fingering his bow, which was positioned across his back. His green eyes showed that he was not entirely sure about this whole situation. 

Architect gives a shaky laugh and introduces himself. "I'm Hazel." He says. He has pretty much blue everything. Blue jeans, blue shorts, and blue eyes. The only thing not blue was his blond hair that reached his ears.

MinecraftMaster nodded and smiled. "I'm August." He had blue eyes, brown shorts, a red shirt, and red hair. He, too, handled a bow. "Is it true that there is a relation between photos of you and chickens?"

I nod. "Actually, there is."

Hazel looks quizzically at me. "Well, are you going to tell us?"

"Yes." I answer. "I don't like them. They seem too.. mechanical. They follow me everywhere end escape their cages- ahem- fences."

"Finally! Someone who agrees." August says through gritted teeth. "I agree entirely."

"Why don't you come in?" I ask, gesturing toward the cave entrance where Gareth is sitting on the floor, clearly bored. "I think we have a lot to catch up on."

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