Chapter 6- Taiga Confrontation

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“Are we there yet?”

That question had been repeated over and over again for the past two hours by everyone’s least favorite zombie. My ears were seriously about to bleed.

After the debacle with Kungen, we decided to just scream death threats at Gareth until he opened the entrance. After I gave him a long string of threats (only some of which I planned on carrying out), we gathered up all our stuff and left. The others didn’t have any save for an iron pickaxe and a few swords, since they were newly spawned and a traveling group.

“No! For the last time, WE ARE NOT THERE YET!” Hazel shouted. Out of everyone, he was the least tolerant of Gareth’s antics.

Gareth smiled, pleased with himself and began to whistle innocently.

The Extreme Hills had disappeared behind us long ago, and now an endless plain stretched out in front. Snow-capped mountains and taiga trees lined the horizon, as white as the clouds that drifted lazily across the sky. We hoped to reach the taiga, as I’ve heard it is large and might even have a village we can take shelter in.

Of course, we’d have to get there first/ Nightfall was not an issue for me, but I’m not sure the mobs would be so forgiving with the others. Now that I think about it, why didn’t Gareth attack?

I glanced at him. He was arguing with Hazel about something.

Was he a glitch, like me? Was he not a zombie at all? I think I might have to ask him at some point, but now now. His argument is too entertaining right now to stop.

“...I don’t care if it’s ‘a legitimate question!’” Hazel was saying. “When you say it sixty-four times in one hour, it get’s annoying!”

“I’m just asking,” Gareth countered. “I wanna know if we’re there.”

“Do you see any snow?” Said Hazel, exasperated “Do you see any trees? No! We’re not there!”

“I see trees,” Gareth replied. “Quite a few of them.”

“Oh really,” Hazel said sarcastically. “Where?”

Gareth pointed to the taiga biome in the distance. “Right there.”

“That’s where we’re going, brainless!” Hazel shouted, facepalming.

“I have a brain,” Gareth fumed. “And it might just be bigger than yours.”

“That’s it-”

They started fighting, throwing loud insults at each other.




Kristie sighed. “Well, this may take awhile...”


The grass of the plains was replaced with freshly fallen snow beneath our feet. Gareth and Hazel had finally stopped fighting to see it.

“Hey, we made it!” Said Jared triumphantly.

“And just in time too,” Said Hazel, gesturing to the setting sun.

“Finally.” Huffed August. “My ears were about to explode.”

“Well, we’re here.” I said. “Now what?”

No one spoke.

The silence was interrupted by a snowball flying through the air and hitting Hazel square in the face.

“Hey! Who threw that?!” He shouted, looking around. His eyes finally fell on Gareth, who was laughing like crazy.

Hazel gathered another snowball and chucked it at him. His laughing abruptly stopped and he glared at Hazel.

“SNOWBALL FIGHT!” He shouted.

Everyone gathered up as many snowballs as they could and hid behind various trees. Snow went flying everywhere as we all dashed through the taiga. For a few minutes, all our troubles were gone.

After a lengthy battle, I was declared the victor and we all collapsed, laughing.

Suddenly, a shadow covered the snow, turning it from the pure white to  sickly grey. We all froze, our laughter abruptly ceasing. The blue sky began to turn black, with silver stars dotting it. Night had fallen.

“Guys...?” Kristie said, standing. “We should run...”

No one argued. We all stood up and bolted as fast as we could, trying to find some sort of shelter. Moans and bone clanks echoed through our ears, the hisses of creepers trailing behind us. I didn’t know why they were chasing me, but I really didn’t care.

We reached a series of thick trees that formed a barrier, but we managed to slip through. Our luck ran out when a tall wall made completely of cobblestone blocks an fences blocked our path.

“Huh...” I said nervously. “When that skeleton said a village, I thought he meant like a villager-village...”

“Well, you thought wrong...” Gareth said.

The mobs were getting closer. A group of skeletons were loading their bows. Creepers hissed and flashed white. Zombies were glaring, drool dripping from their mouths.

“Maybe I could talk to them.” Said Gareth, stepping forward. He approached the zombies who gave him weird looks.

“Don’t attack them,” He said simply. “They’re friends of mine, and-”

He was interrupted when a zombie knocked him to the ground with a powerful fist. A skeleton aimed an arrow at his head, glaring.

“You’ve betrayed us...” The zombie moaned. “You’ve sided with the humans... For that you must pay...”

I stepped forward. “Wait. Don’t kill him! You know us!”
“And you!” The zombie interrupted. “You were our friend...our BETRAYED us...” Hatred dripped from his words as two more skeletons prepared to fire at me.

“What are they saying?!” Shouted Jared.

“You can’t tell?” I shouted back.

Everyone shook their heads.

“” The zombie moaned.

I closed my eyes.


“NO!” Someone shouted.

“Stop!” Everyone shouted again.


I braced for impact, but none came. I opened my eyes, confused. To my surprise, a diamond sword was jutting out of the skeleton’s skull. As it fell to the ground, I saw a group of about five warriors all clad in iron armor charge forward and attack every mob there. I guess that included Gareth, as one of them was running toward him with a sword.

“NO!” I shouted, running after him.

Gareth tripped on a dead bush. The warrior was inching closer, sword in hand.

“Gareth... You owe me one.” I muttered, leaping in front of him.

Everything happened in slow motion after that. The warrior threw the sword right at Gareth, but I was in his place.

I closed my eyes.

The sword hit me square in the chest.

Everything went black.

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