Chapter 7

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(I feel so bad for not even publishing these crappy chapters. I'll probably change them later. When I have the motivation. Whenever that may be.)

I immediately went up to my room after we got home, ignoring my mother asking how it went. I rushed down the hall to my room and quickly opened and closed the door, locking it. I went over to the pile of clothes in the corner of my room and started digging through it until I found a tank top and running shorts.

I changed into those and started looking for my sneakers. I found them a short time later and put them on. I decided to go for a run since that usually helped clear my head and reduce my stress for some reason.

I put my earbuds in before my mom or dad could say anything and left the house.

I started running down my street with nothing but annoying and confusion running through my head. Why does he mess with me so much?? I can't stand it!

I just need to calm down and try to forget about it for a while. I can't keep giving him so many openings. Well, I was driving, to be fair so it couldn't be helped... Whatever! Just run, Rei! I thought to myself and kept running. I went the longer route than usual so I could be away from him longer.


I was running for about 5-10 minutes strait at this point and some cocky little brat about 5 years younger than me in the back of his mothers minivan decided it would be a bright idea to yell at me: "RUN FAT ASS!"

His mother was not pleased with this because she made him get out of the car and run a few blocks with me. Oh, the irony. He was the one who was the fat ass, cause he could barely run around one block without running out of breath.

His mother eventually got him back in the car and made him apologize. I didn't really care, considering I wasn't a fat ass in the slightest. I had long, black hair, blue eyes, and 'the body of a goddess' as my mother tells me.


By the time I actually came back, it was about 4:30 and I was tired as hell. 45 minutes of running was what it took to cool my head. I started walking back up the stairs to my room to take a shower and was surprised I didn't pass any of my family members, but went on anyway.

I went to my room and to the bathroom that was next to it and locked both doors it was attached to. I took a long and hot shower for once and was extremely tired once I was done.

I changed in the bathroom and unlocked both doors when I was finished. I walked back into my room with wet hair wrapped up in a towel and looked at the clock beside me. It said 5:20 which meant I could do what I wanted before dinner started.

I decided to watch some videos on YouTube since I've fallen behind on Markiplier videos. He had posted another turbo dismount update and I loved those.

I started the video on my laptop and heard his usual opening; "Hello, everybody. My name is Markiplier and welcome back to Turbo Dismount..." I put my headphones on and continued watching that way.

The headphones I was using were extremely sound-proof so when I had both of them in, I couldn't hear anything, which worked more in my favor than not.

I eventually fell asleep a while later and completely forgot about about anything and everything.


It's been about a month since that day. Barbie Boy has been the exact same: pulling the same shit as before.  He pisses me off. How can someone be so happy-go-lucky about life even after I've slapped them, verbally abused them, and so forth.

My mother walked in my room and asked if I was ready to eat dinner. I said I was and went down the stairs to see we had my favorite meal waiting: Pizza from Papa Johns.

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