Chapter 10

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(I was given some inspiration. I hope this chapter is to your liking, expect more chapters to come at random intervals)

The announcer for tonight's event went out on stage before me, informing everyone of who all is performing. Seeing as the audience was so drunk to even care if the performers were even good or not, it didn't really matter.

"We have many great performers here tonight and we only have the best of the best amateur singers." The announcer began, even though they didn't even know what I sounded like, "and I know you're all so very excited to see all of the lovely performers tonight, so without further adu, here is your first performer." There was really only one performer and that was me.

I slowly walked out onto the stage as the spotlight shone violently in my eyes. There was a light applause and some whistling before I got to the mic and actually did anything. I waited for the music to start, which took a minute, and got ready.

Believe it or not, I actually have horrible stage fright. I may not really be showing it now, considering its in front of old drunk people that probably won't even remember this night, but I usually start having a mini panic attack in my mind.

The music slowly began to come in through the speakers and I was looking everywhere but the crowd. I was then advised by the announcer from across the room to start making eye-contact. I looked over the crowd and found the table my parents and Barbie boy were stationed at, watching and waiting. I locked eyes with Barbie boy, which actually made it slightly better, and started singing the slow beat. He seemed slightly surprised by this action, but he settled after a moment or two.

"This waking nightmare lingers
When will the mirror stop tellin' lies?
I don't know where I've been
Or where I'm goin'
But I can't do it alone..."

As I continued through it, I kept my eyes locked on Barbie boys, not looking anywhere else accept to blink. I don't know how or why this was helping, but it was better than me standing there and singing like a robot.

"I'm reaching out...
Rescue me!
Show me who I am!
Cause I can't believe
This is how the story ends!
Fight for me!
If it's not too late,
Help me breathe again!
No, this can't be how the story ends!"

I made it through the first chorus, gaining a little more confidence in myself for getting this far without totaling screwing up. I usually just stand there and say what I need to, no other motion being made, but this time, for some reason, I'm doing exactly what I intended.

"I'm wrapped up and waiting for you
I've lost so much more than I'll ever know
The past
The truth, forgotten
Find me now
Before I loose it all..."

The words just naturally fell out of my mouth one after another perfectly, gaining more emotion the more I sang through the song.

"I'm crying out!
Rescue me!
Show me who I am!
Cause I can't believe
This is how the story ends!
Fight for me!
If it's not too late,
Help me breathe again!
No, this can't be how the story ends!"

After the second chorus I got a slight break of just humming. It was one of my favorite parts of the song, even though there wasn't much too it, I found I liked it because of that.

"Rescue me!
Show me who I am!
Cause I can't believe
This is how the story ends!
Fight for me!
If it's not too late,
Help me breathe again!
No, this can't be how the story ends!"

The songs music was finally coming to a close and I was able to look elsewhere at this point. I bowed and thanked everyone like the 'nice' person I am. There was a louder than expected applause and I quickly left before I felt anymore awkward than I already did.

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