Undertale: Things You Didn't Realize

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In honor of 100K+ reads, I'm doing something special.
This isn't really a funny chapter, more of one stating some things that maNY UNDERTALE FANS DONT SEEM TO REALIZE. They've been on my mind lately, so why not share them here?

WARNING: This contains major spoilers relating to character themes, pasts, easter eggs, battles, and deaths for the different routes (Pacifist, Neutral, and Genocide). Read at your own (f)risk.

1.) Timeline Awareness
He's one of the main characters in the popular game, Undertale. It's canon that he's aware of timelines, and how horrible they are.
I bet you thought of Sans, huh? Matter of fact, he's pretty much the only character that people think of when showed that description. Besides all of the wacky Papyrus and Gaster theories and the exception of characters like Toriel and Papyrus' very faded and questioned remembrance of you the second time you play after a normal reset (not a true reset), Sans is the only one that knows about the player's/Frisk's ability to experience the same event more than once.
Or is he?
Actually, one more character fits that description, even if his knowledge about the timelines isn't as broad as Sans', as far as we know.
That character is Asgore.
During the Asgore fight, you can choose to ACT by striking up a conversation. On your first time fighting him in a single run, this option doesn't lead to much. However, if you do so again after dying at least once during the fight, you tell Asgore that he's killed you _______ times, depending on how many times you've died during the battle already. If you were fighting someone and they told you that, you'd probably think they were crazy, huh? Well, Asgore normally would be expected to do the same, since it's only a natural reaction.
But he doesn't.
Instead, he just nods solemnly. Pretty odd for someone who's not supposed to know anything about the different timelines and saves, huh? Normally, you'd think only someone who is knowledgeable about them would accept it so smoothly, no matter what situation they were currently in.
I think there's more to Asgore than you all think.

EDIT: No, I didn't forget Flowey, aha. His is just... Super obvious, I guess? Still, Sans is the #1 dude that people think of when "timelines" are brought up, aha. I didn't find it important to include him. WhooPS

2.) Ghostly Bodies
Anyone who's played Undertale knows about the popular character Mettaton. He's a narcissist robot with many feminine qualities, such as his appearance and occasional choice of wording. That's not all that's to this tv-star, though. Mettaton's house is also a well-known easter egg in the game. In case you don't already know about it, when you purchase the mystery key from Bratty and Catty in Hotlands, you can travel back to Waterfall and unlock the house neighboring Napstablook's. This place is later said to be Mettaton's. It's apparent that he hasn't visited the cottage in a long while, and inside is a set of diaries. These reveal that Mettaton, Napstablook, and possibly even Mad Dummy and Ruins Dummy are all related to each other (as cousins), and Mettaton was once a ghost like the other 3. They also state that Alphys was the one to have built Mettaton's body so that he could achieve his dream of becoming a famous entertainment icon.
Drawing away from that subject for just a second, many people seem to believe that because Mettaton was once a ghost, he can just fly out of his metal form whenever he wants.
Remember the fight with Mad Dummy? Because he wasn't fully intact with his selected body (the dummy), you could not drop his HP by using anything other than magic attacks. It was only once he managed to become fully corporeal with his body (basically BECAME the dummy, and was unable to leave as a ghost anymore) in the Genocide route that you could cause damage with a normal hit.
This actually reveals more than meets the eye.
In the Mettaton battle, when you attack Mettaton (whether it be his EX or NEO form), you can actually lower his HP with normal, non-magical blows.
This is because Mettaton is fully corporeal with his body.
Meaning, just like with Genocide!Mad Dummy, he has fully become the robot and cannot exit the body as a ghost anymore.
This is also supported earlier on in the Genocide route when MTT refuses to allow you to lay your hands on him in any way. Why would he be scared of you hurting him if only magic attacks were effective? Simple. Because now that he's no longer a ghost, any types of attacks deal damage.

3.) Megalomaniacs
This is by FAR the most misconceived thing on this list.
Aaaand, we're back to Sans.
When asked the name of his theme, most people respond eagerly with "Megalovania, of course!", or something along the lines of so.
They're actually wrong, though.
First off, why would Sans have the need for 3 different themes? 2 is already impressive (both sans. and The Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans on the Undertale OST), so what's up with needing a third..?
Second off,
This name has a very apparent resemblance to the word "megalomania", or "megalomaniac" when referring to a single being. When looking the word up on Google, this is what you're met with:

" meg·a·lo·ma·ni·a
obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others. "

Let's think about this for a second.
"obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others."
Read over that a few times and let it sink in.
Remind you of a certain Undertale character we know? If you're on the same page as most people, you're probably reminded of Chara from this phrase.
This is because Megalovania isn't Sans' theme.
It's Chara's.

I've got a few more of these waiting to be shared, but I want to do a bit more research on them first just to make sure before I upload them. I might add them onto here in the future, or even create another chapter like this. Keep an eye out if you're interested!
As for now, if you've read this far, good for you. Now maybe you can go share your newfound knowledge on the game with any other unaware fans, aha.

Don't forget to leave your own findings and opinions on mine in the comments as well!

Have a great day, man! ;D

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